Large Acclimation Box... Anyone in miami have one to lend for a few days??


New member
Bringing in a special feeshie and my acclimation box isnt too large about 10"x5"x5". The fish is about 4-5" so itll be a tight fit.

Does anyone have a large box they could lend for a few days so I can properly acclimate my new guy?

Thanks guys!!!

Pm me a contact or text me at 305 849 two9 8two
Was thinking very hard about that joculator or that interruptus ��. Wasn't fast enough on the pair of venustus
You can borrow mine if you feel like making a drive :)

Even though you never called me :p

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Marv didnt bug u cuz i wasnt gonna have time to make it all the way up there today.... hence the title stating "miami" lol