launchnukes' 300DD starphire build 400g+ total system

Can you give me the name of your wood worker? I'm in Grant and doing a 300 gallon peninsula and need someone to do the finish work on it.
Hi everyone. I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who followed my thread and I apologize for vanishing off the face of the earth. I made a few life changes, thankfully all for the better. I moved about 45 minutes away back to Vero Beach and I decided to start a career in real estate. With the move and all the changes I decided it'd be easier to sell the tank and start a new one from scratch when things have settled down. Even before I made the final decision to move, I mentioned possibly selling the tank to a friend. Next thing I know the starts aligned and it was all gone.

Things have not settled down at all but I am getting the itch again"¦in the worst way. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed NOT having a tank but for some reason I want one again. lol. I've been browsing the forums again and I'm sure it won't be much longer until I start another thread in the large reef tank forum!

I wish you the best in your endeavors. Sounds like good(career in Real Estate) and bad(selling the tank). Cant wait for you to get back into the game.