launchnukes' 300DD starphire build 400g+ total system

According to marineland tech support the dimensions of the bottom trim is 72, 3/8 inches by 36, 1/16 inches.

They were kind enough to add that any custom stand voids the warranty.:mad2:
deja vu?

i figured what's the fun in having just one female?

please excuse the bad phone pics


the new arrival. a little smaller than the first one, which is perfect

both in frame. the new arrival in the box and the larger one bottom right.
...another tagalong. It's nice to see someone doing it "right" from the beginning. Quarrantine... aesthetics... etc.
hows the blue spot doing? Still in the burrow you made for it? I just got one yesterday at steal in my opinion. Wasnt an impulse buy as i have been looking for the right specimen and price. Earlier this week i changed out my 3/8in bird block mesh frame to the 1/4in just in case. Im going to try to make a pvc burrow as well simply for the fact that i can see it more easily and it does not wreak havoc on my sand bed.
thanks everyone. some of you have asked about the bsj....sadly he vanished a few weeks ago. He was always chilling in his burrow, I dropped my temp, he ate like crazy, no one bothered him, etc etc but still he vanished. i've heard too many stories...i wont try one again.

sorry for the lack of updates. i'll take some new pics and post a major update. but in the mean time.....i went to the lfs looking for a pair of platinum clowns and absolutly fell in love with a pair of black ice clowns. so without further new pair of black ice clowns.



Can you give me the name of your wood worker? I'm in Grant and doing a 300 gallon peninsula and need someone to do the finish work on it.
Looks great LN, love all the space the corals have to grow. It'll look more and more amazing as time goes, really nice man.
the tank has been doing good. I'm getting good growth but my colors aren't where i want them yet. Im pretty sure it's my fault, i've been slaking on water changes and maintenance. I'm going to try to give the tank some more of my time and see if that wont make a difference.

anyway, a few tank shots...







quick video

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
that video is great
tank looks very good
love your at i just lost mine to ich for some reason i could not get it to go away
thanks guys. Current fish list.

4x Helfrichi Firefish
1x Achilles Tang
1x Blue Hippo Tang
1x Kole Tang
1x Yellow Tang
1x Desjardini Tang
1x Lineatus Fairy Wrasse Male
2x Flame Wrasse (pair)
2x Red Sea Eightline Flasher Wrasses
1x Golden Rhomboid Wrasse Male
2x Black Ice Clownfish (pair)
4x Bartlett's Anthias (3m 1f)
4x Lyretail Anthias (1m 3f)
1x Evansi Anthias
1x Royal Gramma

i think that's everything. lol.