Laxative for fish ?


New member
So I was practising for the upcoming fishing tournament and my zebra eel swallowed the rubber band which i was using to hold my bate to the line. My question is if there is something I could give him to get it out of his system or if I should just let nature take its course. He seems fine so far:bum: :confused:
Rubber bands have caused many problems in tanks:


I searched the archives but could not find the photo of a Yellow Tang passing a rubber band it had swallowed.

The band may or may not pass OK in the eel. I wouldn't recommend a laxative, as it could cause too much intestinal activity and worsen an obstruction. (That's the advice we give humans.)
Epsom salt might have a laxative effect, it's used for pop-eye in fish tanks but people use it as a laxative(though not for fish)
why was he practising fishing in his fish tank anyways...........makes you wonder, why didn't he use a bucket or tub or lake or something..........