Well about two weeks ago, I removed the mitras and added a third 150 w mh. So now I have 5 t5: 1 pure actinic, 1 actinic+, 1 giesemann lagoon blue, 2coral + and the 3 150w radiums. .. And the pair of 24 inch t5 on either side of the tank with an actinic and an actinic +.. I'm going to try using my wide angle lens to get a shot of all my lighting..
I installed two AI prime for dawn and dusk blue LEDs- I LOVE these led lights. Great color and controlled with a phone app. Very easy set up and control. They just barely cover my tank which is fine because I'm only using them for aesthetics and not really coral benefit.
I have been harvesting cheato like crazy and am still using AIO Biopellets. Matt- I have between 500-750 ml and I'd say I've got about 100gph.
For several weeks, p has been between .09 and .13 and I dose calcium nitrate and sodium nitrate to keep n at 4 ppm. I alternate because I'm worried about adding too much potassium.
Growth is annoyingly, frustratingly, maddeningly slooooooooow..
However, as you will see, color is not too bad BUT could be waaaaay better.
I have a total aptasia farm going because I have only just added a filefish. I am also looking for a copperband because the aptasia are taking over.
The bryopsis is also causing me issues. I have to go in weekly to pull it out. But it doesn't grow super fast.
I will begin Kent mag tonight.
I continue to add iron a few times a week and some color elements- less than minimum dose for my tank.
I've also been religious about water changes every week.. I've been adding some Purple Up to my ro water a day before mixing in my instant ocean. I don't know if it's really helping anything, but it certainly re mineralizes the ro water.
Lately, my alk has been sitting below 7 because each time I raise the co2 level in the reactor to produce more alk, it only goes up a tiny bit.. I am slowly raising alk back to 7-7.5 but not in a hurry..
So I finally tried using my macro lens in a viewing box for some top down shots. Was a bit tricky.. Some shots came out well but not all... I still have a ways to go with the photography..
Ok. I'll start with a cool frag I got about two weeks ago. Not sure what it is..
Side shot:
Top down:
It's starting to look very cool and I have high hopes for it..
Another beauty that I'm loving.. Again, don't know what it is.. Side:
Top down:
Ok. I'll post a few more in a minute..