No one can say "Gorilla Nipples" without smiling
Gorilla nipples!
Corals look fantastic !
The Macros are great but your corals are definitely doing great !
Thanks Arlin. The tank has recently started to do better..
Amazing colors and pics, how u do that?
Thanks, Leo! I don't think you need any advice from me! Your tank and photos are fantastic.
More great pics Matt.
You have two of every coral?
Thanks Mark, well, I've decided to go 'Noah's ark'... Actually, the first time I posted, almost none of the links worked so I edited and added the links again.. Got doubles.. Oh well!
So, I started this thread almost exactly a year ago and while the system is clearly still working itself out- high po4 and every kind of nuisance algea known to man, there is definitely something positive happening in terms of coral health and growth.
More and more corals are starting to grow- slowly, yes but starting and some have begun to grow well..
Some of the oldies have still done very little but some have really started to take off..
Most of the newer pieces seem to encrust and adjust better than older ones did.
Even though nutrient levels are jumping around a bit (from the red slime remover and the blackout) as well as kh, (not to mention the cessation of color elements, iron and nitrate additions) the corals still seem to be doing well..
Maybe a bit early to say what will happen to colour but in general, the corals are in good shape..
So, I gotta ask.... Why? Why, with all the things going on in my tank are the corals so happy?
clearly, a system needs time to mature...
I think that as a system becomes fully populated with microfauna and sponges and bacteria, it becomes more stable on a very micro level. By that I mean even if the macro stuff like calc/alk/n/p jump around a bit, the micro environment keeps things in check a bit..or lends some stability to the corals even when the big things jump around a bit..
I'm starting to ramble..
I guess what I'm saying is that PATIENCE is just so important in this hobby.. But so hard to practice!