So, it's been 3 weeks since my cyano treatment and the cyano is coming back HARD..
Interestingly, or may not.. Maybe predictably.. After having n of 2 and p of .13 last weekend, I decided to change nothing but add a bit more food -- and add some potassium--
This weekend n had dropped to .5 and p had dropped to .09..
Oh! And my co2 bottle is running low on pressure so my regulator has been screwing up a bit- pumping out more co2 than usual so kh jumped to 9..
Corals didn't even notice..
I find it a bit odd that n and p dropped with the extra feeding.. Maybe the cheato has grown faster than before- it's possible- it has grown significantly this week but so has the cyano and some spots of bryopsis.. Not to mention the frickin bubble algea..
Corals continue to grow faster and faster. More and
More corals are pushing out from the base and growing...
I am very tempted to begin dosing a vinegar and nitrate mixture... But I think I'll hold off for a little longer..
I am going to treat the tank with Chemiclean this time.. Try to get rid of the cyano and see where n and p go again....... Sigh..
All I can say is thank goodness the corals are doing well.. If they weren't, I'd be in the edge of throwing in the towel...
BUT.. I'm not because... We'll here.. This is why..
Here's a fragbox Mail order cultured piece.. I know, very common but I love the sort of burnt orange colour. Usually, this coral is boring green.. So far, this guy has resisted turning green and has already begun to grow out..

Here's a couple side shots:

I guess some might find this one colour less and boring but there's something about it I like..
Another fragbox mail order.. Which sat for months and did nothing but browned.. Now it's looking great and the base is about the really spread:

I would usually warm this pic up and then sharpen it a bit but photobucket is not cooperating..
What else..
This frag is the top frag from my group of frags I picked up from Raja..
It's nice!

The others in that group (from the plastic container shot) are taking more time to adjust..
Here's a wild Aussie piece from reef solution- the place I bought my gyres from.. Still extremely pale.. But potential!
Very blue, I know.. Bottom of the tank..


You can see, it's got colouring up to do..