New member
I love those pictures. So fun to see so many beautiful corals. Personally, I find sharing photos such a great way to stimulate appreciation of the potential of reef tanks. Anyway, absolutely beautiful
wow! Just awesome. This is what I am striving for.
I see a Resurrection chalice down in the bottom of the last pic. I am amazed that this thing can take a lot of light. Mine gets 300 par and I can not control the growth. It thinks it is an acro. It attacks the corals around it constantly.
I love those pictures. So fun to see so many beautiful corals. Personally, I find sharing photos such a great way to stimulate appreciation of the potential of reef tanks. Anyway, absolutely beautiful
mate your tank is amazing regardless which angle you choose!! :bigeyes: :bigeyes:
thanks, Flo!
Sorry I haven't caught up sooner, man o man everything look fantastic. Cute puppy as well, I think the white spot makes that one the cutest.
So those bugs, I have those bugs and I just killed them again with interceptor. Little bastards do that exact damage. In my experience they seem to come from the sandbed and move up, first any coral on the sandbed starts to show stress then one by one bottom to top more acros, montis, even poci's lose color and some skin.
Unfortunately this means I can't keep cleaner shrimp or acro crabs but the peppermints have survived two treatments now, the latest being a full flavor tab in 150 gallons which is more than the recommended dose.
Matt it's been a while since the last time i called you a sick man....well you are,my dear buddy:beer:
What normal person would do that to the rest???
Just kidding just gave me one more desktop pic:inlove:...and some inspiration too...again
The pic josh quoted is amaaaazing!So many colors along with super cool corals!!
It's so awesome to have a beautiful tank and be able at the same time to have serious photo skills.Doulble enjoy
I just noticed you are using a gyre.Which one is it and on what mode are you running it?
Is it me or has bubble aglea got lesser?
I'll go read the things you wrote regarding biggles juice but while i do that,please please post the rest of "the couple more" shots you have
Like , like , like!
That's impressive mate!
What a lovely collection of coloured sticks.
Also, who is Raja??
Thanks, Tim! I'm happy to dole out the good stuff!Matt your coral pics are like crack. Thanks for enabling me...
Thanks, Mindy! I've found that my evansis are fattening up with only mysis and sp. brine shrimp. I might get a few more..I'm so late to the party, but that video you posted on page 63...awesome!!! I love the big shoals of fish - reminds me of a real reef where you see lots of big shoals and then the odd loner of whatever other species.
That Blueberry Wine...does it table for you? Mine has gone into its first growth spurt, and it's looking tabley in which case I'll have to move it to the tabling section of the tank.
Also, who is Raja??
Thanks wheelman. That shot has a lot of smallish frags. When it starts to take off, it'll be pretty cool.Wow Matt!!! Tank is looking great and amazing pictures , but the picture of the
"Middle left " is just insane!! Well done
crazy Matt... crazy!!
:inlove: :inlove:
Matt any close up and info on the yellowish tip acro right under the blue tort in the first and 9th pics of this page? The one in the bottom middle.