So recently I had a small brush with a slow disaster.
About a 3 weeks ago, I started to notice a slow increase in alk- up to 8. I adjusted my co2 production on the carx and wondered why I was having to reduce production but I just assumed it was a slight anomaly.
This coincided with a poorer than normal cheato growth.
Over the past few months, my cheato has not grown very well at all but more recently it has practically stopped completely.
Last week, I noticed this on my Oregon tort:
And a couple other corals were getting burnt tips..
After adjusting my co2, I thought I'd see a reduction in alk but it stayed stable. So, now I was really beginning to wonder why demand had slowed so much.
Then, I was talking about my poor cheato growth on Andrew's thread and maxx mentioned that high magnesium levels will cause cheato to stop growing.
This gave me an epiphany.. slowed growth, odd growth in some tips and 0 cheato growth...
I did some tests... something I had neglected doing for the past few months just out of being busy and lazy..
Well, I discovered that my ca had crept up to 500, mag had crept up to 1500 and my k was at 430.. not sure this is playing a role here but maybe.
About two years ago, I had dosed magnesium to deal with bryopsis. It didn't really effect the growth of my cheato but it did produce some tip burn/odd tip growth.
I assume the high calcium along with high mag has really made my cheato unhappy and it also seems to have made my whole tank unhappy.
I have since dramatically reduced co2 and let my alk drop to 6.5 and am now buffering to keep stable at 6.5dkh.
I have also been doing a 10% water change every day this week.
Tomorrow, I will test ca and mag again and see if they have dropped.
I will keep my carx dialed way back and buffer manually until I get ca down to 390-400 and then I will is the carx to bring alk back to 7..
I'm glad I finally checked!
I had bought that maybe it was my mitratus butterfly exposing acro tips but I've watched him long enough now to know that he does not do any real damage to the corals and rarely 'tastes' a coral more than once at a time.
Here's a couple mitratus shots..
He's a very cool fish but I must admit, he has reduced pe on a few acros.