leather corral not doing well


New member

I have a leather coral that I purchased about 8 days ago. The first few days it opened up real nice but have since stopped. Attahed is a picture of it with the blue lights on. Normally it has brownish color to it and has little hairs on it.

There are bubbles, brains, anome and xenia that are thriving.

He was up about 1/2 way in the tank but have since moved it to the bottom and still looks bad.


I am not an expert but I believe they are very sensitive to being moved around moreso than other corals at least when it comes to appearance. I can tell when a LFS here has changed the water because all the small leathers seem to lay down.

I recently tried my first one and after 3 weeks it is finally looking much better. I had it too high in the tank, fell over twice, etc. but now it is doing much better.

I'm interested to see what others say since these have been my inital observations.

I'm sure yours will come around.
Yes it is true that by moving around especially since it is new, it will only strees the coral out even more. I would leave it alone for a while until it gets used to its new home.

Usually when leathers are new the wont open up for a few days or even a week or two. They usually start to shed after a stressful move and will perk up if the conditions are right in a couple of days.
It takes 3 or 4 days for the coral to shed, that should be taken into consideration.
Make sure it has medium light and medium flow and it will do fine, Leathers are very tough and they can handle just about anything.
If you look close at the picture it looks like its shedding.

I'll leave it be for a while.

Thanks for the response.