Newbie Aquarist
Reefing is my middle name
I am running a standard 180 gallon tank 6x2x2 I have 4 x A360We's and 4 x 80 watt T5 ATI bulbs for supplement.
What are you supplementing your Kessils with?
I am running a standard 180 gallon tank 6x2x2 I have 4 x A360We's and 4 x 80 watt T5 ATI bulbs for supplement.
What are you supplementing your Kessils with?
2 x blue +
1 x Purple +
1 x Coral +
all bulbs 80 watt, total 320 watts T5's - I just bumped up the % on my Kessils, I was running no more than 30% on the color - bumped it up to about 50% at the max, intensity was around 80% max just bumped up to 90% max.
I'll keep an eye on it and see how it goes, I like a bluer look on the tank so I might drop color % back down we'll see.
the plug doesn't work for mobile... at least mine. i just jumped on the computer and was it ever worth it
Wow! What a great looking tank! I can't believe the colours on your mimic tang!
Remind me again what camera your using
"One thing I think gets overlooked is how thick your coral might get good SPS growth under a wide........however it might grow a little thin and "reach" for the light. Under the Narrows, the growth is less reachy and you get a thicker base / arms. This is most noticeable in Stag type corals and you get a tighter growth with other acro's."
This is a really cool observation, I have some SPS frags that are doing this.
I kind of wondered why they grow like this, (nice thick arm base that grow out with thin spindly arms...) do you recommend moving these frags up and or into more direct light?
I am running a standard 180 gallon tank 6x2x2 I have 4 x A360We's and 4 x 80 watt T5 ATI bulbs for supplement. I also have 4 MP40's running at 100% + 2 HK pumps hidden behind rock work for flow.
I have pretty good polyp extension on almost all of my frags at all times, growth has been a little hit & miss, some grow like weeds and others seem to just look good with minimal growth. Thanks again for your insight!
Been following your tank thread for a while (the videos and music keep me coming back) - WELL done!!!
You have convinced me that Kessils / LED can fully support SPS. Planning to use them for my next build. :bounce3:
2 Questions:
1) Do you dose any phyto or pods (know you've got a decent fuge with DSB)
2) How do you attach corals and move them up/down in your tank (epoxy, plugs, magic?)
Awesome tank,I have 220 gallon tank and want a mixed reef,do you think 3 kessil a360we's will be enough,and how high above the water should i set you know what color% you are set at.I see your at 100% itensity.