LeeMar starfire 290 mixed reef build


I am starting a new tank and was going to go old school, MH/t5 I love how your Kessils look. I have a 220 72x24x30" deep. How many kessils and which one W or N would I need? I am cycling so I don't need light yet, but I am thinking and wondering what to do. I thought about getting one Kessil in the center and a few t5 for now, then add more later. Obviously I would not be able to grow SPS on the sides...

Any lighting suggestions/recommendations you would give for a new tank on a budget?
Light recommendation

Light recommendation

After studying this subject personally I would start with three Kessils
And consider adding fourth if I went sps
But three would b good start...
And once I see them on the rank I would decide if I add another Kessil or a marine LED controllable strip light or two
Hope helps
To be clear you used the Marine strips not the Atinic Blue right?



very nice tank....do you leave the marine strips on a single setting

and just control on/off on them? What setting do you leave them on?

Full bore?



Hi Tim, thanks. I'm glad you like the set up.
I am using Ecoxotic "Marine" fixtures that run on their "simple one touch controller." This gives me sunset and sunrise features which was the primary reason for getting them in the first place. The A350's were not controllable, and I LOVE having the actinic blue at night. They do help with some shadowing and brighten up the tank overall. However I have them 8-9" off the water, and I don't think I am getting much Par for growing coral other than on the top 8-10" in the tank.

I do also have some Magenta / white "stunner" strips for a splash of red. They look really good when all the lights are on. They are a bit trippy when just the actinics are on.

Hope that helps.

I am starting a new tank and was going to go old school, MH/t5 I love how your Kessils look. I have a 220 72x24x30" deep. How many kessils and which one W or N would I need? I am cycling so I don't need light yet, but I am thinking and wondering what to do. I thought about getting one Kessil in the center and a few t5 for now, then add more later. Obviously I would not be able to grow SPS on the sides...

Any lighting suggestions/recommendations you would give for a new tank on a budget?

Hi Russ, CONGRATS!! Sounds like a sweet project.

So at 30" deep..........you ABSOLUTELY need to go with the NARROW version of the kessil. My tank is 26" deep and I run 5 Kessil A350 Narrow's accross the 84" span. Each about 13" (ish) apart. I run them at 100% white and 100% blue for 7 hours a day. I keep them approx 9" off the water and I have coral that is actually growing OUT of the water (green slimer). I am able to keep some LPS under these lights as well, however they need to be very low, and NOT directly under the lights.

As for my recommendation? I have a LOT of light on my tank, and it hasn't seemed to cause any problems. If you want an SPS heavy / dominant tank.......I would go with 3 A360 narrows. One in the center and two off to the sides...........I would also consider putting two A360 wides between the narrows. This will brighten up the tank, and give you a wider spread throughout........you would probably NOT need any additional, or "supplemental" lighting with this setup.

Your rockwork will also be a consideration. I have very tall "spire" like pieces. I placed each narrow between the spires so the shallow sections were not directly under the light. This allows the light to go all the way to the bottom of the tank. I also took the center light and brought it forward to compensate for the overflow box, as well as allow the light to hit the front of the rock structure all the way down. If you put it too close, it will shadow really badly. Kind of hard to explain without looking at it in person.

You could get away with 4 lights........two narrows, and two wides if you plan your rockwork / layout right. Narrows over the lower areas that you want SPS, and wides over the taller area's for SPS and to give more spread / brighter overall tank lighting. Just how I would do it. Obviously you can do it in stages.......get a couple lights to start out, and add when you have the money, or when your corals start to need it. The first year of cycling, you will enjoy fun colors and a little growth on your corals, but once the tank really stabilizes
..........Ie.....you get your alk, calcium and mag all dialed in, and it remains stable.........your corals will go CRAZY!! that is when you really want the light. You want to maximize the growth. My tank is 3 years in now, and the growth is WAY faster than initially.

I probably just gave you more questions than answers, but I am happy to try to answer any more this may have caused. LOL! Good luck on the project. Here is a better illistration of how my lights are layed out.
Hey I have a question then. My tank is 65"x30"x24" Im going heavy with sps and I was planning to go with 4 A360 wide. Am I good to do this? Here's a pic of my tank and my rock work when I started the tank

View attachment 303266



I know I have an ATI powermodule but I had kessils before on my 90 gallon and I really liked them so I want to go that route again.
Hey I have a question then. My tank is 65"x30"x24" Im going heavy with sps and I was planning to go with 4 A360 wide. Am I good to do this? Here's a pic of my tank and my rock work when I started the tank

View attachment 303266

View attachment 303268

View attachment 303270

I know I have an ATI powermodule but I had kessils before on my 90 gallon and I really liked them so I want to go that route again.

Hi Zach,

Sorry for the delayed response. Nice setup!! I like the rockwork. I personally would use a Narrow in at least two spots on your tank. One right in the middle of the left side rock structure.....placed forward of the tall back rock and centered so the middle of the light beam goes straight down to the sand. This will give you nice growth and allow you to keep coral up high in the back without over lighting them. I would also put one between the two tall structures......just to the left of the right structure to grow SPS on the low rock. I would suppliment with the A360 narrows over the right side and another between the two Narrows. You might get away with just 3 lights, but I would definately make at least two of them Narrows if you want good SPS growth.

One thing I think gets overlooked is how thick your coral grow.....you might get good SPS growth under a wide........however it might grow a little thin and "reach" for the light. Under the Narrows, the growth is less reachy and you get a thicker base / arms. This is most noticeable in Stag type corals and you get a tighter growth with other acro's.

The width of your tank....front to back might also be an issue for shadowing. I added the two wide A360's to brighten up the back of the tank. This has also improved the growth of the coral in the back.....mostly chalice, Acan's and some very high placed SPS. I haven't noticed a problem from "over" lighting anything other than LPS. They need to be low, and off to the side of the lights (accept for Duncans, Frogspawn, hammers, leathers, etc. They love high light).

Coral are also very finicky........I start coral low and as they color up I move them up. If the color or growth keeps getting better, I keep moving them up. If it doesn't......I move it back.......I have coral that took over a year to find the right spot.........they lived, but never really looked good, or grew much.....UNTIL I found the right spot. Then they blew up. It can be a lighting issue, or a flow issue (too much or too little). Don't forget about a nice random flow. I run 6 Tunze 6105's in the tank. 3 on each side with a random setting for power and patterns. I don't aim them at any coral, but try to use the glass to bounce flow around the rocks and coral to give nice movement without blasting anything in particular.

Good luck, you have a great start already.
Hi Zach,

Sorry for the delayed response. Nice setup!! I like the rockwork. I personally would use a Narrow in at least two spots on your tank. One right in the middle of the left side rock structure.....placed forward of the tall back rock and centered so the middle of the light beam goes straight down to the sand. This will give you nice growth and allow you to keep coral up high in the back without over lighting them. I would also put one between the two tall structures......just to the left of the right structure to grow SPS on the low rock. I would suppliment with the A360 narrows over the right side and another between the two Narrows. You might get away with just 3 lights, but I would definately make at least two of them Narrows if you want good SPS growth.

One thing I think gets overlooked is how thick your coral grow.....you might get good SPS growth under a wide........however it might grow a little thin and "reach" for the light. Under the Narrows, the growth is less reachy and you get a thicker base / arms. This is most noticeable in Stag type corals and you get a tighter growth with other acro's.

The width of your tank....front to back might also be an issue for shadowing. I added the two wide A360's to brighten up the back of the tank. This has also improved the growth of the coral in the back.....mostly chalice, Acan's and some very high placed SPS. I haven't noticed a problem from "over" lighting anything other than LPS. They need to be low, and off to the side of the lights (accept for Duncans, Frogspawn, hammers, leathers, etc. They love high light).

Coral are also very finicky........I start coral low and as they color up I move them up. If the color or growth keeps getting better, I keep moving them up. If it doesn't......I move it back.......I have coral that took over a year to find the right spot.........they lived, but never really looked good, or grew much.....UNTIL I found the right spot. Then they blew up. It can be a lighting issue, or a flow issue (too much or too little). Don't forget about a nice random flow. I run 6 Tunze 6105's in the tank. 3 on each side with a random setting for power and patterns. I don't aim them at any coral, but try to use the glass to bounce flow around the rocks and coral to give nice movement without blasting anything in particular.

Good luck, you have a great start already.

Oh no I just purchased 4 wide angles lol. O wish you I read this before!
Ah, very sorry. The new 360's are brighter than the old ones. They might be fine. I'll be watching to see how it goes. Congrats on the new lights!
Ah, very sorry. The new 360's are brighter than the old ones. They might be fine. I'll be watching to see how it goes. Congrats on the new lights!

I used to have them on a 90 gallon with t5s. It made everything grow like weeds. I can always add more kessils if I want
Well, it's been a long time since I have made and updated video. Wanted to share.

Tank is thriving, but it's not without it's problems. It's ALWAYS something. :angryfire:

Making video's is theraputic. Helps me focus on how amazing it really is, instead of always focusing on the problems. LOL! ADDICTED!

Enjoy. ;)

Well, it's been a long time since I have made and updated video. Wanted to share.

Tank is thriving, but it's not without it's problems. It's ALWAYS something. :angryfire:

Making video's is theraputic. Helps me focus on how amazing it really is, instead of always focusing on the problems. LOL! ADDICTED!

Enjoy. ;)

the plug doesn't work for mobile... at least mine. i just jumped on the computer and was it ever worth it
Kmooresf, Thank you for sharing!
Your tank is very inspirational and is something to strive for by a lot of us out here.
Please keep the updates and videos coming and Thank you again.
Amazing video. You are getting some great growth under those Kessils. And your sandbed looks very clean. Great work. I can tell this is really a labor of love for you.
"One thing I think gets overlooked is how thick your coral grow.....you might get good SPS growth under a wide........however it might grow a little thin and "reach" for the light. Under the Narrows, the growth is less reachy and you get a thicker base / arms. This is most noticeable in Stag type corals and you get a tighter growth with other acro's."

This is a really cool observation, I have some SPS frags that are doing this.
I kind of wondered why they grow like this, (nice thick arm base that grow out with thin spindly arms...) do you recommend moving these frags up and or into more direct light?
I am running a standard 180 gallon tank 6x2x2 I have 4 x A360We's and 4 x 80 watt T5 ATI bulbs for supplement. I also have 4 MP40's running at 100% + 2 HK pumps hidden behind rock work for flow.
I have pretty good polyp extension on almost all of my frags at all times, growth has been a little hit & miss, some grow like weeds and others seem to just look good with minimal growth. Thanks again for your insight!