LeeMar starfire 290 mixed reef build

Thanks very much everyone.

So the fish have been in for 3 days now. I have been testing the water every day, and it's getting better?? LOL! My 110 gallon tank had very high nitrates when moved........approx 90ppm and VERY high phosphate level at 5.7ppm. I had a cannister filter in addition to the sump / fuge that had been running for many years with two full trays of Kent marine Nitrate sponge, one tray of carbon and 1 tray of phosban in addition to 4 large sponges. That filter broke about 4 months ago and knowing I was getting a new tank I decided not to replace it. Sooooooooo the changes. I increased the water changes, but anyway.......

So these are the results over the last three days.

Nitrate = Approx 25ppm
Nitrite = 0 ppm
Amonia = <0.25 mg/l

Nitrate = Approx 20ppm
Nitrite = 0 ppm
Amonia = <0.25mg/l
Phosphate = .57ppm
Alkalinity = 165ppm = 9.24dkh
Calcium = 600ppm

Nitrate = Approx 10ppm
Nitrite = 0ppm
Amonia = <0.25mg/l
Calcium >500

So as you can see........my calcium level is really high. I know it's mostly new salt, so I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. I bought the Hannah digital calcium tester and it read 600. I tested it multiple times with the same result. So I figured it was wrong......I bought a salifert test kit today and it also shows over 500. I imagine when I move my corals over it will drop fairly quickly. Should I be worried about it?? Is there any way to lower it.......I assume my next water change will only add more.

As you can see the Nitrates are dropping daily.........no nitrites yet and no ammonia at all on the test so far. I am getting a nice diatom bloom on the new rocks. LOL! Fish are a little bashfull in the new digs, but eating well and no signs of ich. The shrimp and Starfish are LOVING the new tank, the shrimp are right out front and the starfish are feeding like crazy. Of coarse they always have. The Eel is in HEAVEN. He is cruising back and forth under the rocks all day and all night. He has a LOT of places to hang out.

Skimmer is the bomb......already cleaned it twice. The heater controller is amazing. I am not used to having a consistent temp, but it has been 77 since I hooked it up. Tunze Osmollater is fantastic, and I will NOT miss adding water every day. Anyway, thought I would throw up an update. Planning a water change on Saturday and will continue to monitor things closely. Gonna need a reef cleaner pack soon!!
Thanks Jim! Need all the help I can get. ;)

Oh, I put the Maggie mufflers on, and I was able to raise the water level in the overflow to get rid of the "Waterfall" effect. However it was gurgling like crazy. I ended up drilling the air holes a bit bigger and put air tubing about 20" down into the drain. Worked like a charm......this baby is QUIET!!!! Very pleased!!!
What a great job you done with the rocks, love your tank dimensions and everything else about your build.
Will tag along to see this tank mature:beer:
Thanks everyone.

Agioniko.........The suction cups are AMAZING! Made moving this 1000+ lb beast pretty darn easy!! Two of us could comfortably lift one side to get it onto a dolly and those things didn't budge a bit. I borrowed them from a guy in my local reef club. If I planned on moving this EVER again I would definately invest in some. You can rent them, however it's not cheap and some of them require some kind of suction to get them on. These were a really neat thumb pump that sucked out the air and made the seal.

Also the lift was fantastic as well. Rated for 1000 lbs and if you have a "Flat" style base for the tank......once it is off the ground it has 4 rolling castors. You can actually move the tank into position while it's on the lift. I think it was like 60 bucks to rent for the day. Tank was out of the garage and on the stand in less than an hour.....only took 4 people really to move it comfortably. Although I had 10 on hand just in case. ;)
Great build so far. I really like your rock structures you did. I will be ordering some E-Macro 400 to do something like yours. Did you do any additional curing of the cement before you put it in to your tank or no curing is needed. I will be using mostly live rock,so I wondered if I will kill most of it by using this cement? Thanks.
Thanks Mark.

Emaco 400 with "Acryl 60." Mix the Acryl with R/O water........50/50. Use that with the Emaco and start with a little. Add as needed to a fairly thick paste.......not too thick, but not runny. It will set in about 10 min. Ok to place in the tank water after approx 1 hour. 24 hours to fully cure and it will cure in the tank. No worries about it hurting the liverock. Try to stack the stones, or if your putting two or three together for a base, make sure to have as much surface area contact as possible. It needs enough to really make it strong. I let mine cure in the garage over night, but I started with "dry" rock from BRS. If your using Liverock from a tank..........rock should be fine out of the water for several hours. Just get it done, let it sit for at least an hour and drop it back in the tank. You can buy the Emaco and the Acryl already packaged from Marco Rocks. Good luck. Don't forget the Fiberglass rods. That will let you sleep at night. LOL!

Gold spotted rabbit fish

Gold spotted rabbit fish

Hey thanks everyone. I am very excited about the progress! The water has been getting better and better. Params today......

Nitrates =5ppm
Nitrites = 0ppm
Amonia = 0mg/l
Phosphates = .10ppm

Ended up with a new fish today. LOL! Yes, it's a bit early to be buying fish, however it was a gift, so I can't complain too much, and it's a SWEET fish. A small Gold Spotted Rabbit fish. I took a video of the new fish and showed off the tank a little. Narration is a bit lame, however some people have asked for a little info. Soooooo....here ya go. Enjoy. ;)

Herbie without gate valves...how did it turn out?

Herbie without gate valves...how did it turn out?

Congrats on the new tank and build. I like your attention to detail. How did the overflow sound without the gate valves? I was curious and wanted to ask as the only option for me was to install my gate valve horizontally.

Oh...I had the SAME problem with my overflow and return lines. They didn't line up and I had to use the flex pvc. I guess LeeMar is consistent in that regard.

Again, nice build!:thumbsup:
Hey Rotknee, thanks.

The Maggie mufflers allowed me to raise the water level to about 3/4" below the teeth. This has taken out the "waterfall" effect and it is a very quiet trickle at best. The pipes were pretty loud initially, however with the maggie mufflers they are also very quiet except for a loud gurgle. I was able to kill the gurgle by putting air tubing in the vent holes approx 15" into the drain. I super glued them in place and then added a small additional hole. I did this in multiple steps to see just how quiet I could make it. To me it is VERY quiet. I can hear the hum of the skimmer on the other side of the wall over the drain. ;) I don't feel the need to add the ball valve at all. However, it's good to have the option if I ever change my mind. Kinda wish I would have just put it in, although I prolly wouldn't have found another way to do it if I had. Good luck. ;)
Tank moves finished........

Tank moves finished........

Awesome tank. Nice build.

Thanks very much, I appreciate it!!

Finally got all three of my tanks moved over to the big tank. All inhabitants seem to be adjusting well. Took a video for my own documentation, but figured I would share it here. I am sorry for the mumbling. I have an allergy crisis going on this week with all the weather changes here in the bay area. Enjoy, thanks.

Need a lift??

Need a lift??


My Giant turbo snail helping the urchin out a bit. ;)
New stuff!!

New stuff!!

Been playin in the tank and took some photo's. Lot's of new stuff.............I spent a day at Neptune going crazy on the 10 dollar frags. 8) CRAZY good deals to be had. Also got some stuff from Aquatic collection after the last BAR meeting.........including a new and BEAUTFUL Mimic tang! It was rather large and had been there for 3 weeks and looked fantastic. I was able to put him in the display tank and after approx 1 hour of getting to know the Vlamingi......I put the Purple tang up from the Refugium. A couple hours of mild aggression, and now they are all pals. Often swimming in a group as they graze around in the tank.

Dealing with LOT'S of algae. Today I did an 80 gallon water change, and changed out the GFO doubling the amount as suggested by BRS. Phosphates are hovering around .10ppm......would like to get them down to zero, or at least .02 or less. However, I have added a lot of trochous, astrea and turbo snails as well as a bunch of hermits, 3 emerald crabs and a boatload of Nassarious snails for the sand and detritis. Everyone is busy, busy.

New redheaded fairy wrass.......added approx 3 weeks ago

New Mimic tang along with a small maxima clam

Meteor shower Cephastrea

Really cool war coral. Sorry about the focus.

Can't remember what this one is called, but love it.

Blue acro

Length of the tank from the right side...

This is an Acro from Gimmito (originally JRocha I believe)......awesome piece, however today it fell over onto my milli and the top is all white. Not sure if I should just leave it as is, or cut the tops off?? Should be fine, but I'm mad at myself for not glueing it down immediately.



Starry Blenny chillin in the rocks
more pics.....

more pics.....

Light blue Acro

Green Leather

Green Acro

For some reason, I really like Birdsnest coral......this is one of about 4 different ones that I have. LOL!