Lemon's New 183 gallon fruity tank!

would like some comments on the scape, how it can be improved, placement of coral, etc, so that i can get opinions from different people and good advice too. if need be, then i will re-do the scape. but i'll leave it as it is for now until my body recovers from all the lugging, washing, bending, scaping, etc

i love the scape, lots of rock yet lots of room to swim and your going to have great coral placement. I like the different islands that offer caves and tunnels.
chris, reefman, dragonfire, seashark, nihoa, david, thanks so much for the compliments. will work hard to make the tank look better with corals and fish :)

daniel thanks too. i decided to move the fishes away because it was better for them to live in my friend's tank compared to the holding tub. the space is much bigger, water conditions are much better, than a bare holding tub with PVC pipes.

i will get them back when my tank is ready
thank you zaheda. i was lucky i guess. didn't even specifically choose them.

but the height from rocks to water surface is 6 inches.... i think that's too high right?
Awesome setting!!!

Awesome setting!!!

It's excited just imagine the fish and corals your're gonna keep in this tank.
I'll be waiting:inlove:
hi speedboat. very nice C. debelius avatar.

this will be a SPS tank with butterflies and angels. minority will be anthias, wrasses and probably other miscellaneous fish.

for wrasses i'll only be keeping maybe 2-3 species. C. rhomboidalis, roseafascia and maybe lineatus.

anthias will only be 1 sp.

majority will be butterflies (roaps [tinkeri complex], chelmon, forcipiger and prognathodes), which are the more reef-safe ones.

angels will be mainly dwarves and some other big angels.
Nice rock scape don't touch it anymore. Maybe when your sps are in and due to flow issue then may i suggest doing minor touch up.

Overall thumps up!
lol thanks eniram! nice to see you here too. i like RC because the comments are very constructive and it's good to get 2nd opinions :)
yes its a solid site to get inspirations. May want to do something this coming august, maybe not...see how...maybe i'll do a 36x36x24 bonsai tank?

About the rocks height that you mentioned 6"....its ok. I've seen other reefers tank where the height is about 2~3 inches and yet sps are booming.