You are doing an amazing job on this tank! Thank you for sharing it with us. Rock work looks great. I am going to be setting up my second tank 36x30x30 your tank is a great inspiration.
my old rhomboid wrasse. my favourite. had a harem of them. 1 male 3 females.. this guy spawned once in my tank which i think is the first case of rhomboid wrasse spawning. i haven't heard of anything like this before too.
Very nice I'll definitely be following along, as my tank I started this spring is 36x36x27 and focused on Angels & Butterflies w/a BF list very similar to yours. This makes me want to tweak my own scape a little bit, but I'm trying to keep my hands off the rocks :\
crab rangoon, if you really like your current scape, then don't touch it. most often than not once you touch it, you will never get it back to how it was, and it could end up with something you don't like.
So the tank has been running with liverock for more or less 2 weeks + added in 5 table shrimps prior to cycling and this were the results after 2 weeks.
the readings have came back 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and about 30ppm nitrates.
did a water change after that
added in a pair of very stable Paracentropyge multifasciata that were feeding aggressively. They always say it's never wise to add angels to a new tank. But i've had plenty of experience with this fish so i guess i will burden the responsibility.
And also added in 6 of these which i caught. it's an exciting fish!! and it's very unlike any blenny i've ever seen. they have very very curious social behaviors and seem to ENJOY the company of each other rather than kill each other like other blennies.
it's nice to see them swimming upside down from rock to rock in a 183 gal. tank
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