Lemon's New 183 gallon fruity tank!

I'm left with this little guy. I hope he misses his friend.... he ate up his food though? -.-

zzz i really loathe mondays.

Sorry to hear about the dog. The two of them musta had a lotta fun together!!

Was wondering about the Paracentropyge multifasciata? Are they readily available in Singapore? Any store in particular? Can't wait to see your tank stocked!
Sorry to hear about the loss of your pup. Looked like a fun dog.

I wish I had seen this thread a week ago. I was in Singapore for work last week. I was staying at the Marriott on Orchard / Scott St. Very nice country, a bit humid and hot, but still very nice. Friendly people.
Sorry about your doggie, I hope you're feeling better.

I just wanted to say that you've got a beautiful tank and your choice of fish is amazing. GREAT JOB!:thumbsup:
Incredible Fish , you have and are keeping well done!! Very sorry about the loss of your dog

Cant wait for more pics ;)
thanks everybody. so sorry i've not been updating for awhile. i've read all your posts starting from the point i last posted.

thanks for all the nice words. yes i feel sad about my dog but not anymore. i've moved on :)

as for those visiting singapore soon, come visit me! will gladly give you a tour around Singapore.

Here's some updates on my livestocks.

- 4 Phymanthus crucifer anemones. Pink, orange, red, red/white.
- Green nephthea
- Fiji xenias
- Blue cespitularias
- Acropora valida
- Acropora tortuosa
- Poccilopora sp.


- Wetmorella tanakai
- Cirrhilabrus roseafascia
- a trio of Cirrhilabrus marjorie
- Paracentropyge multifasciata
- Paracentropyge venusta (only 1 inch!! tiny tiny baby)
- Centropyge loricula
- Pomacanthus maculosus (White var.)
- Forcipiger flavissimus
- Chelmon marginalis
- 2x Ecsenius bimaculatus
- 2x Ecsenius stigmatura
- 1x Elacatinus figaro
- 2x Amphiprion percula
- 1x Anampses twistii
- 1x Pseudocoris bleekeri

Is that alot of fish? Most of them are very small, less than 3 inch. The blennies and goby as well as the clowns don't add much in terms of bioload anyways.
Trio of Marjorie!!! Wow! Pics!

i started out with only 1 male (the one in my facebook). the roseafascia chased it everyday until it reverted into a female. i'm not sure if this was POSSIBLE!? revserse sex change for fairies. the male started to show less of the white and slowly, the white faded back to red, but the horizontal white lines still faintly remain behind. the dorsal fin still has the dark black margin but the entire dorsal fin is red instead of white. a thick black spot appeared on the caudal penducle finally. the spot on the tail region indicates female, but it still has the male's black dorsal stripe. wonder what sex it is now....

so i added 1 more female and another male and now i have 3. the roseafascia's aggression has toned down abit.

i'll try to get photos but it's difficult with all of them in the same shot.

marjories are quite common in our country now. yesterday we had 5 males and about 10++ females in one shipment from Walt smith/Fiji.