Lemon's New 183 gallon fruity tank!

were did you get or order your twister wrasse....,mike

the anampses twistii?

got it from Africa shipment via one of my LFS.

i usually shy away from anampses because they're rather challenging. but that batch of A. twistii were all feeding like pigs so i bought 1. it's doing very well now. everytime it bites the liverock looking for stuff to eat, a cloud of smoke will emerge from it's gills. really strong teeth and jaws.

only 2.5 inch long.
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- Wetmorella tanakai
- Cirrhilabrus roseafascia
- a trio of Cirrhilabrus marjorie
- Paracentropyge multifasciata
- Paracentropyge venusta (only 1 inch!! tiny tiny baby)
- Centropyge loricula
- Pomacanthus maculosus (White var.)
- Forcipiger flavissimus
- Chelmon marginalis
- 2x Ecsenius bimaculatus
- 2x Ecsenius stigmatura
- 1x Elacatinus figaro
- 2x Amphiprion percula
- 1x Anampses twistii
- 1x Pseudocoris bleekeri

Is that alot of fish? Most of them are very small, less than 3 inch.
Not so bad, I'm sure you're tank & equipment can handle it. I'd love to see a full tank video or some new FTS :)

my chelmon marginalis
THIS is what I'm most jealous of - I've been waiting for a Marginalis or Muelleri to land in my lap for months now. I expect to get both this Fall season, for sure, but I'm also impatiently awaiting a replacement for my Altivelis :(
Not so bad, I'm sure you're tank & equipment can handle it. I'd love to see a full tank video or some new FTS :)

THIS is what I'm most jealous of - I've been waiting for a Marginalis or Muelleri to land in my lap for months now. I expect to get both this Fall season, for sure, but I'm also impatiently awaiting a replacement for my Altivelis :(

marginalis is my favourite of all the chelmon sp.

i've been hunting them down for years but no one brought them in until one of my LFS gave in to my pestering and brought two in.

the 2 were the first and last 2 that ever made it to my country and one of them is in my tank. i hope they bring them in again though, very nice but so big!

mine has that faded black line in the middle which does not seem to go away. the other of the two at the shop had a perfectly clear silver body. wasted. should have gotten that one :)

but no regrets though. i still love my marginalis and i tell you, it's the greediest fish i've ever owned. it will try to eat anything that can fit into its mouth, and will also try to eat anything that can't.

you will get yours soon! and when you do, post a pic for me to see! i never get tired of looking at this fish.