Les Poissens-Anges... check this out! :)


Premium Member
Hey guys, Happy New Year to all in the reef fishes forum! I received a nice Christmas gift this year from France... :) The popular book "Angelfishes of the World" from Kiyoshi Endoh was just released in France, and there is one new addition to this version of the book... :). Julian Sprung was over my house in the spring of 2009 and took a bunch of photos of my systems... Well, what a nice surprise when Julian let me know that one of my systems would be featured in the book! :)

As many of you know, I'm a bit of an angelfish nut... growing up I had such a passion for reef aquariums, and such a passion for angelfish... but was always discouraged from mixing angels in reef tanks... I tinkered for years and have found ways to make it work. I remember being inspired by so many books and hobbyists, looking at tanks when I was little that I could only dream of one day being able to own... it was all I could do to convince my parents to buy me my first saltwater system, an expensive investment... but they knew my passion! It makes me smile to know there may be young hobbyists flipping through this book as I did when I was a kid, receiving inspiration as I did... even if they are just French kids for now... :) When the English version is updated the photos will be there too... One of my favorite sayings I've heard in the hobby is "Only other people's reef tanks are relaxing."... Often we get so caught up in the perpetual next steps in the planning of the living artworks that are our reef tanks, that we forget to step back and admire our own systems as we do with others when we see them in person or in photos... seeing my system here allows me to appreciate it and enjoy it almost from a third person's perspective... :) Anyway guys, check this out!

The book... existing English version to the left, and new French one to the right...

And pages 120-121... :) Unfortunately many of the masses of fish I have in this system were not as in the open as they usually are with Julian and a few other people walking around, but I have enough nice fish photos... what I find tough to capture are the coral shots, but it is much easier to take a photo of nice photos in a book... :)


This year will be five years with my trio true Red Sea regal angels together, with single specimens even longer... regals were unkeepable when I got in the hobby and this accomplishment with this favorite angel of mine is something I could not have fathomed back then...

This Taiwanese blueline will soon have a mate added...


I got this guy a few months ago that has been through QT and is now adapting to my system in my large frag tank before being placed in the display...


A FTS from Julian... keeping colorful healthy sps for years with a high fish load is one of the most challenging things in this hobby... this system was put together in December of '04 when our house was built with corals from my old system...


These shots of my own show the fish group... I am in the process of adding a large group of cardinals and a shoal of a smaller species of anthias among other things :) after getting rid of my large fasciatus anthias...


Congratulations. You have a beautiful setup, I can not ID all of the fish, but I know many of them are special.
Simply stunning John. I could only imagine seeing your tank in person one day.
Your collection is amazing!

I happen to be one of the young hobbyists that are getting inspiration from your tanks. It's just that most of the angels I want are way out of my price range, so I'm mostly collecting wrasses for now. I'll definately have to get the new English version of that book, once it comes out.
The english version of the book is out but John's tank is not in that one. It is still a must have book IMO, does a great job!
HEy hey its about time!

HEy hey its about time!

All them french "boys' should get a kick from them pics- next thing a talk over in the land of the weak.

Good going Jonh.:thumbsup:

Great pics and beautiful tank!

I'm curious as to what angel you might recommend as something less common (than say the flame or pygmy), but on the easier side of the difficulty to keep scale.

I love angels, but I don't have quite the time needed to take on a extremely difficult species.
Wow John!

What an accomplishment! I wish you nothing but continued Sucess!!!

Happy New Year to you and your family John. I can't even imagine what else a new year could bring!!!