Lets do this - 225+ reef bar

mcliffy2, what is the coral that you are using in your avaitar? do you know what lighting it was under when you took that pic? you also said it changed under t5's, was that for better or worse? do you have a pic of it now? thanks
reefsahoy - that is a tyree undata. It wasn't a change from MH to T5, but from one T5 bulb to another. It was under blue plus bulbs in the photo, and has gone entirely pinkish purple when I put a UV aquasun bulb over it. I have now removed the aquasun, and am hoping it will change back.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15167943#post15167943 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
reefsahoy - that is a tyree undata. It wasn't a change from MH to T5, but from one T5 bulb to another. It was under blue plus bulbs in the photo, and has gone entirely pinkish purple when I put a UV aquasun bulb over it. I have now removed the aquasun, and am hoping it will change back.
I hope so too. I fell cheated to see it like that, so you must feel $#%$! lol
Mike, holy smokes, these frags you gave me are unbelievable.
When you come to my living room, you have to close your eyes, hammer is so bright :)
The frogspawn is totally different then mine, also looks great.
Ahh and when hammer is pumped it is huge.
Thanks one more time.
Mike, congratulations.
The pictures are coming much better, though there are still some with high grain ( high ISO). Probably due to the blue spectrum in the lower areas.

The tank seems to be coming along nicely. :thumbsup:
Can we have some FTS?

Daniel - No problem, glad you like the frags.

Andre, Nice to see you on my build. I really like your photos and appreciate the advice. I have been shooting in aperture and shutter speed priority mode (where ISO is set automatically), so now I am trying to shoot at lower ISOs (around 200 or 400). I think also maybe the picasa uploader is introducing some noise in compressing the photos. Here some macros I took recently. I will try to post a new FTS soon.

finally captured the color on my blue-tip stag, one of my favorites and an amazing grower, some branches are 14-15" long:


This red-hot chundata is growing like a weed:


Cool yellow coloration that recently developed on my acan echinata:


A. Nana


A. Deswalii w/ hermit

Mike - I have a stag pretty similar to your blue-tipped one. Mine also grows like crazy too, over doubled in size in about 6 months.

BTW, your PM box is full.
Mike I forgot to ask, how are the fishes doing? Healthy?
Also how is the zoa frag I gave you? Angels do not pick on it?
Daniel - so far the fish look better. It seems like the bimac was just the runt of the litter, and stressed from being picked on. The zoas have opened up and look beautiful. The angels seem to have ignored them so far. Thanks again.

Sam - thanks much. Let me know if you want a frag of the stag, it will be due for trimming soon as its about to hit the surface.
Mike- How are your montis doing with your angels? They seem to be the most affected in my tank.
Mark - The PE on my montis isn't that great, but they seem to be thriving and growing like weeds (the exception being my tyree undata, which I think is suffering from too much light, but that is another story...).

A side note, I have started feeding more cyclo peeze, reef chili, and oyster eggs at night to make up for the food the corals are missing out on while their polyps are retracted.
I've been getting phone calls, emails, PMs, etc asking if I'm ok. I have just been enjoying the summer in Chicago, and the time I have for the tank has been dedicated to the basic maintenance. Things are going well and growing. It will be a bit before I get time to post more pics, but I promise I'll return in full force in the fall.