Lets do this - 225+ reef bar

Thanks all. Ian, sent you a PM.

Here's a few more pics I liked.

I've had this Acan Rotundoflora for quite some time, it is one of the few acan sp. that my angels will leave alone.


I actually do have some random zoos here and there:


front shot of the middle of the tank:


Small red planet frag I picked up that is starting to take off:


ORA flashlight:

Your tank is looking ridiculous! Really amazing the dense natural growth forms that your branching acros have as well as solid coloration all the way to the base.
Deja Vu and Austin - thanks guys, I still gotta make it up to MI to check out all your crazy nice tanks up there.

Sara - Yes, I'm planning on coming up next Saturday. Looking forward to it.

Ryan - Thanks much, gotta love the all-over coloration from T5s :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15075130#post15075130 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mbierzyc
Tank looks great. It's been a year already? Wow.

Hey, great to see you around again. Yep, its been a year, you got a new tank brewing? ;) The superman and sunset have grown well, so I'll have a frag to give back to you whenever you decide to come back. The Appleberry has also grown from that tiny dot and has almost encrusted the whole plug now.
I want to see those suckers grow huge in your tank! If I do get back into it it'll be quite a while down the road. One of these days though I'll have to drop by your place to take a look. Looks like you're really going all out on this...
So Mike as I promised I prepared some frag of that zoas you asked me for:



I think you will get around 20 heads, let's just hope you regal will not like it too much :)
Mike, did you get that PM I sent you? Any ideas on that monti to keep it alive? I have to be in Highland Park on saturday morning. If you wanted to take a drive out I could bring a frag down with me. LMK

BTW, on another forum I go to, someone posted a picture of a Japanese tank complaining that we can't get that kind of color over here in the states. I posted a picture of your tank and a link to this forum - the complaining stopped!
tor55555 - thanks much.

Ryan - PMed you back.

Daniel - Thank you much. those look awesome, just sent you an email.
Mcliffy is that a dussemeiri tang sp? Ive had one (sammy) for about 6 months now and she is an awesome fishy! She eats everything. Anything that I should know about them? and btw, your tank is my fav of all of RC. :)
I love my Dussumeiri tang!!!! Much happier since it went in the 300 and not in the QT. I have ich in my tank and, knock on wood, have not seen any spots on him. I did season his QT with tank water, exposing him to the ich, beforehand.
Lyfey - Thanks much, that is a huge compliment. My tang is a Mata Tang, which is similar to the Dussemeiris. The Dussemeiri tangs are gorgeous fish, one of my favs, if not my favorite. I know the Mata gets HUGE and does so fast, and I think the Dussemeiri does also. Mine has gone from 3.5" to about 8" now in the 9 months. Just make sure to feed them a lot, a sheet of nori at least every other day, and regular feedings 2-3x/day and this helps them battle off ich that they are prone to. The Mata still shows ich once a month or so, but is fat and, based on the growth, does not seem to be effected. I attribute this to my heavy feeding keeping his immune system up. (I also have cleaner shrimp and gobies to help out.)