Lyfey - Thanks much, that is a huge compliment. My tang is a Mata Tang, which is similar to the Dussemeiris. The Dussemeiri tangs are gorgeous fish, one of my favs, if not my favorite. I know the Mata gets HUGE and does so fast, and I think the Dussemeiri does also. Mine has gone from 3.5" to about 8" now in the 9 months. Just make sure to feed them a lot, a sheet of nori at least every other day, and regular feedings 2-3x/day and this helps them battle off ich that they are prone to. The Mata still shows ich once a month or so, but is fat and, based on the growth, does not seem to be effected. I attribute this to my heavy feeding keeping his immune system up. (I also have cleaner shrimp and gobies to help out.)