Lets do this - 225+ reef bar

Thanks guys, I do want to keep a lot of the basic LPS around the perimeter to give the reef some of that flowing action and keep all the SPS up top for all the great color.

Sounds like i will got with the 10 bulb ATI unit. What is the word on the dimmable T-5's and where can i find some more info?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13990360#post13990360 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lowredranger
Thanks guys, I do want to keep a lot of the basic LPS around the perimeter to give the reef some of that flowing action and keep all the SPS up top for all the great color.

Sounds like i will got with the 10 bulb ATI unit. What is the word on the dimmable T-5's and where can i find some more info?

The word on dimmable T5s is "cool", but the other word is "expensive" :) I think you are looking at least at $500+ for a dimmable vs. non-dimmable fixture. If you have 10 bulbs you should have three seperate sets of lights on it you can use to simulate sunrise/sunset (thats what I do - my bulbs come on 4 at a time).
Thanks, well i guess we shall see when i get the tank up in a month where they are with all the lights.

I wasn't sure on how many sets b/c of the higher wattage what they would be.

Thanks again,
This tank has really come a long way, corals have really grown in and colored up insanely.

that dive picture thread is rediculous too!
Amazing tank. can someone link me to the bulb combo please.

Do you have any PAR readings of your tank?

Thanks snaza. I'm running, 2 UVL Super actinics, 5 ATI Blue Plus, 2 Fiji Purple, 1 ATI Aquablue special, 1 Aquascience Duo, 1 Aquascience Special.

no PAR readings yet.
Thanks for that. I have a couple more questions for you (if thats ok)

1. Do you feel the 4ft bulbs cover 5ft ok?

2. What do you dose to your tank? if anything. any prodibio or zeo stuff? Do you feed your corals with aminos or anything?

I'm building new tank similar size but the Sfiligoi Stealth would cost me about $3000 here in australia. Probably going to do a powermodule or 2 x sunpowers


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14094610#post14094610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by snaza
Thanks for that. I have a couple more questions for you (if thats ok)

1. Do you feel the 4ft bulbs cover 5ft ok?

2. What do you dose to your tank? if anything. any prodibio or zeo stuff? Do you feed your corals with aminos or anything?

I'm building new tank similar size but the Sfiligoi Stealth would cost me about $3000 here in australia. Probably going to do a powermodule or 2 x sunpowers



The ATIs are just as good if not better. I am actually very happy I went with the 4 ft. fixture because it is very strong. I have problems with it bleaching most LPS if I put them right under it, so the uncovered areas give me space to place LPS, not to mention making access easier. Directly under it, I can grow SPS top to bottom, so plenty of room for those (many SPS do fine not directly under it as well).

As for dosing, I'm not doing anything, just keeping it simple for now. Just T5s, a ton of flow, maintaining proper Ca/Alk, heavy feeding, heavy skimming, a fuge, a ton of LR (a bunch in the sump since the aquascape is open), and carbon & phosphate reactors. When I feel the system is 100% stable, I may start messing around with it, but I'm a big believer of making one change at a time. I'm still fiddling with my calcium supplementation (DA needs to hurry up and come out with the ph/salinity module so I can get my CA reactor back online), and am installing the new skimmer and a UV sterilizer this week. When all that is online, I'll let it sit a bit, then reassess if I want to look into carbon dosing in some form.
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Thanks. I think i'll get a 10bulb powermodule then. I Like to keep it simple too. I have a very similar setup to you. i just need to get some photography skills like you :D
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14089963#post14089963 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mcliffy2
Thanks snaza. I'm running, 2 UVL Super actinics, 5 ATI Blue Plus, 2 Fiji Purple, 1 ATI Aquablue special, 1 Aquascience Duo, 1 Aquascience Special.

no PAR readings yet.

I might have to try that combo. I notice a lot of tanks running less ATI aquablue and more 20k'ish bulbs.
Its early in the morning, and I just finished plumbing in the 2nd sump for the ATB...it ended up being quite a task, but I think (knock on wood) its up and running fine. I had to redo both my main return lines and redo the return from the frag tank so it feeds the fuge. Did I mention I hate plumbing with a passion?! Pics to follow tomorrow after I have a chance to clean up the mess. Right now its time for some zzzzzs....
Good stuff Mike, Lets go back to the new fish; Where are the pics and what are they :)