Let's see those mushroom pictures!

One more :
katchupoy ,

thanks for your comment . I am using 3 X 250W Aquaspacelight plus 2X54 T5 artinic . On camera , I am using Sony DSC75 .

If you have time , do take a look at my photo gallery .Any comments are welcome .
Beautiful photographs Ipobert! I love your mushroom, where did you purchase that specimen?-red are hard to come by even when you've got the $$$.


Zepplin ,

I am from Hong Kong . I got 3 red mushroom . 2 are from Singapore and the other is from local . In Asia , red is rare but not as expensive as in US .For a normal size , it cost about USD40 to 50 .
All pics are great everyone...I just bought a piece of LR that had about 12 fuzzy mushrooms on it..Im kinda new to the coral hobby, and so far mushrooms catch my eye the most..I really enjoyed looking at all the colors in the pics youve all posted..I really hope in the future my shrooms look as great as all of yours...If anyone is selling any of the pieces of shrooms they have and if you live close to NY im interested..thanks..
Alright kids, I played with my camera tonight for a few hours until I got my settings right. Bryan, here is that red that I keep talking about. I finally got a good pic of it...looks pretty nice!:D



These came from Bryan, so give him a shout if you are looking for something nice.
What do you think of that red and green one Bryan? Turned out pretty nice, huh? I finally got a pic that does it justice...my camera settings were out of wack.
Y'all have taken some awesome photos of your 'Shrooms, I've got some nice pictures of 'shrooms from my tank, I am just so computer ignorant as far as knowing how to reduce or link the pics to post, I don't even know where to start! (I could send someone an email with picture attachments, if someone felt like messing with posting my pictures, wink wink, nudge, nudge!!) Very cool thread. GREAT PHOTOS!
Storm. When you post go below the box you type in and you will see a box that says attach file. Click the browse button and find your photo in your computer and that is it.


If you can't get it to work just email them to me and I will post them.
Thanks ever so much, Bryan! I'll try it. Y'all are very cool people here at Reef Central!! I tried to do what you suggested, the file is to big, I'll send you a couple of pics, thanks Bryan!