Let's see those mushroom pictures!

Doomweasel, I have the same shrooms in my 10g tank as the ones in the bottom left (green base, pink nodules), they get huge! I've fragged them more times than I remember, they are a beautiful piece:) I wish I knew what to call them techincally, tho.. I just refer to them as 'cool shrooms'.

Everyones pix were very nice! Can't wait to trade for some rics, always hard to part with zoos, but I think i'm gonna make it a zoos and rics tank for the most part, you can only fit so much in a 10g (j/k:D) .

Here one of the mushroom i picked up a few weeks ago I got 6 mushrooms 3 different types for only 5 bucks!:) This one is about 5 inches in diameter

Stretch said:
Here one of the mushroom i picked up a few weeks ago I got 6 mushrooms 3 different types for only 5 bucks!:) This one is about 5 inches in diameter


thats that same shroom. wow, you're lucky! I paid 40$ for two!!
they do prop like mad, tho, and are one of my favs, especially when they eat!

Yeah i got lucky i saw an ad in the paper, this nice lady was taking down one of her tanks and rebuilding it replacing the live rock new canopy and what not, so she need to get rid of all these mushroom and colt coral she had and she had tons of it! I got 3 bright green mushroom, two of the mushroom in the picture i got a third on some live rock i got from her too The one in the picture is the only one that attached in a good spot, one attached between two rocks which is under my colt coral it seem to be doing alright and the other to the glass/sand on the front it doesn't seem to be doing all that great. The 3rd type was attached too an empty snail shell its doing good too i have no idea what it is thou it's green and kind of furry!:rolleyes: :p Great Find IMO the $5cdn made it even better:)
Hopefully, after these little beautys relax, the blue/purple "pimples" will show the colors I saw at the LFS, They had neon blue dots over bright red. I traded some xenia & montipora frags for these. (Great deal for me, 'cause I didn't want the xenia anyway!)
Pink ones are hard to find, and they are more sensative to damage. However, there are some people who have really nice pink ones. I think Ken (TankOfTheMonth) has some pink ricordias in his tank. Anyways, that's why not too many people have them and not many pictures.

Stretch said:
Here one of the mushroom i picked up a few weeks ago I got 6 mushrooms 3 different types for only 5 bucks!:) This one is about 5 inches in diameter
Stretch, have those "bumps" gotten longer at all since you got those? If ya look to the right of the red shrooms, (above), those "hairy" shrooms weren't quite as hairy when I first got them, the green "cap" is still very green, but, the hairs used to be "pinkish" & shorter. There's a bunch of 'em on that rock, 9 or 10! Just curious!
Well mine arn't anything like that, I really haven't noticed to much growth yet. But those look very cool:thumbsup: