***!!!let's see those rare clownfish!!!!***

They all seem to brown with age... though I'm not convinced that isn't due to a poor diet. I'm betting squid and cyclopeeze would do them a lot of good.

The pair I saw was a full sized breeding pair. They were "orange skunk" orange. They also had more of a skunk body shape rather than the chysopterus body shape that the brown leucs tend to have. (Yes, I am sure they were not mis-marked sandarcinos :) )

When I first started seeing leucs (wild pictures and in person in the 70's & 80's) nearly all of them were orange. Since they tend to breed with different species in the wild, most often chrysopterus from what I have read, the more prevalent color seems to be shifting towards brown.
I have no arguement that they vary in appearance. But I have kept seven leucokranos and four thielleis and they have all darkened over time in captivity. I get lazy at times and revert to lower quality foods. I am convinced that they would brighten back up with higher nutrient foods.

Would you guys like to start a new thread? We've done a bit of a hijack.
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I have no arguement that they vary in appearance. But I have kept seven leucokranos and four thielleis and they have all darkened over time in captivity. I get lazy at times and revert to lower quality foods. I am convinced that they would brighten back up with higher nutrient foods.

Would you guys like to start a new thread? We've done a bit of a hijack.

You can start a new thread if you want, but I don't think were are that far off.

It is interesting that you have noticed the "brown out" in your fish that is similar to what happens with the white tailed chrysopterus, but doesn't seem to happen with sandaracinos. I wonder if it is food related or habitat related (ie, not enough room, to much stress, etc.)
are those just plain clarkii clowns? I'm now very good at identifying clowns. Are you going to raise the next couple batches?

A. latifasciatus are nice fishes...........

I don´t have clownfishes to show............but one of my favorites are endemic to Ogasawara Island.............Japan.............

Amphiprion clarkii

Knowed in Ancient Times.........as Amphiprion snyderi (Ishikawa, 1904).............

In this Text : http://www.wdc-jp.biz/pdf_store/isj/publication/pdf/23/231/23103.pdf

Jack T. Moyer says :

" Amphiprion snyderi Ishikawa (1904) from the Bonin Islands"

" A Melanistic form occours in the Bonin Islands. Sexual Dichromatism is not present in population from Bonin Islands."

The Bonin Islands.........or Ogasawara Islands.........belong to the Volcanic Arch..............Izu-Ogasawara-Marianas............and consists of three Sub-Groups :

Mukojima Group
Chichijima Group
Hahajima Group

Ogasawara Island..........is a UNESCO World Heritage...........

The Middle Barr......is very thin........

There is no Sexual Dichromatism...............

Males and Females............have the same Color Pattern........

A Rare........and Endemic Clownfish............

The Tail Fin is White.......a bit Bluish/Gray.................

Juveniles...............have a distinct Colour Pattern..............as said Jack T. Moyer :

"Juveniles are dusky orange, noticeably different in shade than juveniles of A. clarkii we have observed elsewhere."

Also Jack T. Moyer says :

"In every case, a Single pair of Adults shared the sea Anemone with 8~10 juveniles."

Melanism :

Melanistic Fishes..........of the other Clark´s Variants.......is always in Symbiosis with Stichodactyla mertensii............and sometimes with Stichodactyla haddoni.................

But this not happens with Melanistics Fishes............from Bonin Islands.........as Jack T. Moyer says :

" Populations of A. clarkii in the Bonin Islands need further study. Reasons for melanism in this area are not understood. Intrestingly, all of our observations of A. clarkii in the Bonin Islands are with Radianthus Anemones rather than Stoichactis species."

All the fishes......of the Ogasawara Population..........have the same color Pattern.............

Anemones :

About the Anemones Jack T. Moyer says :

"Melanistics individuals from the Bonin Islands inhabit Radianthus Anemones"

"This anemonefish is rather rare, apparently due to the scarcity of Anemones in the Bonin Islands."

"All of our observations have shown this fish to be associated with an Anemone of the Genus Radianthus."

Amazing Entacmaea quadricolor Population........from Ogasawara Islands..............

In his Text...........Jack T. Moyer says that Allen (1972).............discusses Geographic Variation in Amphprion clarkii Populations..............suggesting a relationship to Geographic Locality..............

About Jack T. Moyer ..................


Videos :




Pictures :

















Thanks guys!

Yuri, you are like a clownfish encyclopedia!

The batch was mostly gone today but hopefully the clutches get larger over subsequent spawns...
I was thinking that you should try Chad Vossen larvae trap.........


Matt Pedersen uses it with sucess...........


You leave the clutch with the parents care............avoiding some problems with artificial incubation..........

It sounds good...........

We use these regularly for our Ocellaris pairs.. They seem to work much better than taking the eggs out and using an air stone.. So if any eggs survive the 9 days I will certainly give it a shot. Today there are only 4-5 eggs left, so sadly I do not think any from this batch will make it
I know these fish aren't rare but I thought i'd post a pic. This is their 4th batch.
Supposly they can be hard to get to spawn.


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