Let's see your orange passion!

/Users/AgentO/Downloads/OP GHL Bonus Entry 3.jpg


  • rc op.jpg
    rc op.jpg
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Here is my RR OP taken with Iphone. It is my favorite coral right now. Growing fast.


  • RR OP.jpg
    RR OP.jpg
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Let's see your orange passion!

Just got mine two days ago. Thank you BigE.


Blue and green body with orange and yellow polyps.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hi Reefmutt,

You have seen mine. I run a ULNS with T5 dominate tank. I think its grow also highly relate to enough currents and turbulence.
My Ca = 430 ~ 480 ppm, Mg = 1350 ~1450 ppm, KH = 7.5dKH steady


A follow-up picture took yesterday (March 2, 2017)

Nice growth Shih.
Yours grows so densely. Very interesting.
I love the shades of pink and purple in there.
here's a macro of another colony I have growing in my frag tank.
I don't have this in my display. Not sure if it came from Fragbox or not but I got it from a local reefer about two years ago.. I think I'll add a piece to the display and see if it's any different from my current colony..
This is a pic of the colony in my display from 10 months ago..more orange back then.. looked better then..
Current nutrient are: n 30-40 ppm and p .1 ppm
I've always believed that the op looks best in lower nutrient systems.
I have three different versions of this acro, RR USA Orange Passion, RR Canada Orange Passion and RR Canada Ultimate Orange Passion. So here are three progression photos of the RR USA Orange Passion over time and different lighting.

Here is a picture I posted on this thread from January 2016 of RR USA Orange Passion

RR USA Orange Passion from I believe january 2017, so about a years growth

And this is the same RR USA Orange Passion under XHO's lighting taken last week, February 2017
A follow-up picture took yesterday (March 2, 2017)


Awesome growth formation and branch thickness on this piece! Well done! I love how well the coralites on your piece are forming in high flow and light. Is this a wild or maricultured piece or did you get this from a place with lineage to one of the original corals?