Let's see your orange passion!

Current nutrient are: n 30-40 ppm and p .1 ppm
I've always believed that the op looks best in lower nutrient systems.

I have noticed that my best colors are always when my N is around 20 or more . I just get uneasy holding it there long. For me, it seems that N can go up as long as P stays down.
I have three different versions of this acro, RR USA Orange Passion, RR Canada Orange Passion and RR Canada Ultimate Orange Passion. So here are three progression photos of the RR USA Orange Passion over time and different lighting.

Here is a picture I posted on this thread from January 2016 of RR USA Orange Passion

RR USA Orange Passion from I believe january 2017, so about a years growth

And this is the same RR USA Orange Passion under XHO's lighting taken last week, February 2017

First off, congrats on nice development over the year period. The piece not only got bigger but looks healthier and happier.

I am still just blown away by the difference in appearance just between different types of lighting. When I first saw the pics I thought I was seeing a pic of each of the three types that you have. Pretty cool that it is the same piece with the last two very recent but with different lighting.

Oh my, that's incredible. :beer:
Awesome growth formation and branch thickness on this piece! Well done! I love how well the coralites on your piece are forming in high flow and light. Is this a wild or maricultured piece or did you get this from a place with lineage to one of the original corals?

This is a mariculture coral frag. Yes, I was told by LFS it was from the same place the OP source. They also have WD and other famous spices.
My OP actually was placed the opposite side of all my Tunze pumps (6095x2 and 6105 x2), where tank length is 132 cm, but you are right, it does have good flow, that I can tell from those PEs fluttered.
Your top down shots are always amongst the best on RC. It does not seem to matter the angle or the corals. They are always incredible pics.

Hey Kevin, thank you very much. That's a very generous thing to say! Sorry I missed it earlier..

Here's a new shot of my op.. I realize, now that this shot looks identical to the one I posted earlier but this is from today..

I need to learn how to use my dslr

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Your first shot- the top down was very good.
When shooting through the glass, try to rest your lens right up against the front glass. This allows for steadiness and gets your lens perfectly perpendicular to the front glass. When it's not perpendicular to the front glass, the glass in your lens and the tank glass make the image blurred.