Let's see your orange passion!

I got this one on the larger plug in a trade straight from RR as OP but now looking at pics in this thread I think it might be some other RR piece like a pretty in pink or something...

Wow.. Sure looks more like pretty in pink.. Crazy nice..
Here's my op.. Front

Couple tops..beside a red Diablo


It's up high but only under 150w radium
It's a very good grower..
Here is my sc orange passion. I have it under about 500 par and it is starting to loose some of its blue color. I am thinking of lowering it to see if the blue will come back. This coral has p/e as good as a crazy milli.

I did move my passion on tuesday. It seemed ok yesterday. I came home tonight with about 2/3 of the coral with rtn. I caught it in time to frag out about 10 small branches. They seem to be ok so far. Odd part of it all was there was a small section with about 2 branches that was coming off the plug that was totally unaffected. It must have not been connected with the mother, tissue wise. Sad day.
Mine is pretty new in my tank, but I'm already seeing some growth. Seriously fuzzy polyps too, but they have faded to kind of a green with orange tint which is actually pretty ugly. :lol: I'm hoping in a few weeks the polyps might brighten up again - what do you guys think influences the orange coloration? Specific water params/supplements, PAR, spectrum, flow??? Mine is RR Canada OP.

Beats me!! I don't have any orange in mine..
I would say that my fuzzy colony (in frag tank) which has a hint of orange (barely) is about 6 inches away from 2 blue+ bulbs.
My colony in my dt sees more radium mh and has virtually no orange..
Terrible pic but mine is from March
Can't get any orange out of mine either. Still a pretty coral thought.


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I have yet to see any orange in mine. To be fair, I picked it up from a guy that was having a hard time getting it to color up. It has been in my tank just a few weeks, so only time will tell what it does. It is a nice frag, even without the orange.
I suspect-only from memory and observation- that the good orange polyps and blue tips present themselves more in low nutrient conditions. Like below .04 p and somewhere around 2 n.
Mark, what are your parameter and the parameters in the tank that the piece came
I suspect-only from memory and observation- that the good orange polyps and blue tips present themselves more in low nutrient conditions. Like below .04 p and somewhere around 2 n.
Mark, what are your parameter and the parameters in the tank that the piece came

No clue on both. I do not test for other than Ca and Alk as well as I should. I did not ask the owner of the other tank.
Here is an updated close up shot of my Sexy Coral Orange Passion---


Lights-- Blue+ & Coral+ T5 at 300 par

P04- .02 ppm and N03- 5ppm
Man Ed really nice.

Here are my two. 6 bulb Sunpower. 3 blue plus, 2 coral plus and 1 actinic.

iPad pics.



RR Canada OP

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