Lifespan of common reef fish?


Premium Member
I've run a few searches, but can't really find what I'm looking for. If anyone has an idea of the average (captive) lifespan of the fish we commonly keep in the hobby, I'd love to make a list. I'm referring to how long they're likely to live if we exclude accidents caused by husbandry-related or surfing incidents.

I'm curious about the lifespan of...

Clownfish (up to 20 years is what I've read, is this right?)
Shrimp gobies
Centropyge angels
Genicanthus angels
Other large angels

And the following inverts...
Mantis shrimp
Xanthid crabs
Emerald crabs
Banded coral shrimp
Harlequin shrimp
Skunk cleaner shrimp
Pistol shrimp
Turbo snails
Whelks (nassarius, etc.)
Feather duster worms
Hermit crabs

If you know how long any of these live, I'd love to know, and I'm sure others would be interested as well.
I've always thought this was an interesting topic as well. I have read that clowns can live even longer than 20 years, and tangs a good deal longer than that. Funny thing is that when we purchase fish, it's pretty tough to know how old they actually are. (with the exception of captive raised fish). There are some fish that look a good deal different as juvinile's than as adults, but I'm sure there is an age varience depending upon the species as to when the change in appearence takes place. Probably the only to answer your question is through thorough research of individual species.
Clownfish- Over 20.

Damsels- Over 10, I’d assume 10-20.

Shrimp Gobies- People have kept Cryptocentrus spp. for over 10 years so I’d assume 10-15.

Tangs- Over 30, maybe over 40 for the largest species.

Blennies- Not sure, but I’d assume at least 6-7?

Genicanthus Angels- 15 to 20 would be my guess.

Other large angels- The largest ones can live over 40. The medium sized ones I’d assume up to 20-25.

Pseudochromis- 8 to 10 would be my guess, the largest one that gets to 8” maybe 15-20.
I kept a Undulated Moray for 25 years. It was ~18" when I got it so not a juvenile, and nearly 4' when he passsed.
Your Moray may well have been approaching 40 years old by the time it died, if not more than 40.

I would love to know the common lifespans for:

1. Blennies

2. Gobies

3. Hawkfish

4. Anthias

5. Basslets

6. Wrasses

7. Butterflyfish
I kind of understand what you're looking for, but there are way too many variables. My last tank had 4 fish. A breeding pair of clowns and a breeding pair of PJ cardinalfish. All 4 are still alive in another reefers tank, All 4 got to be over 15 when in my care. There was no aggression. No stress. Much will be dependent on the other inhabitants of the tank. In the wild, most fish could most likely double the lifespan we give them in our tanks. IMO, most of the fish in our tanks die because of something we do, not necessarily from old age.
That’s assuming they don’f get eaten by predators or something else. Over 15 years for Pajama Cardinals is awesome. For Clowns I think they can last over 25 if not 30.