lightning fast coral sale


New member
Finally got a new tank lined up to buy on Sat, but need to sell a few more corals to raise the last bit of money. I can frag pretty much anything in my tank. I have mushroom rocks, zoa rocks, 1 head of frogspawn, green/purple pocci, green slimer, screaming birdsnest, hydnaphora, red monti, green monti, rainbow monti, and an unknown acro. Also have lots of zoas, radioactive dragon eyes, unknown bluish, fire/ice, hulks, purple death, aogs, jokers, tubb blues, and candy apple red. Priced from $5.00 on up. Willing to make great deals. Lets make it happen. thanks billy
hooray for you. What size of tank you getting? how much for the acro? whats purple death? How much is that? loving my birdsnest its doing awesome. when ya wake up and see this shoot me a text. I fell asleep last night early so didnt get your test until 3 am and wasnt gonna wake you up for that lol.


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second pic of the second posting lil ball of green what is that?

oh and off beat you have any rock in that tank?
the one above the tubb blues? that is the rainbow montipora. Yes i have a ton of rock, most of it is covered in corals. lol
some pics of the new tank i picked up this afternoon. The 1st 3 pics are of the tank and stand. The last 2 are the underneath the stand and of the 40g breeder sump. Pics are not that good, it is currently in my garage. Tank is a 120g tank, 48x24x24. Hopefully will set it up here in the next few months, need to collect some more equipment and drill the tank and install an overflow, bulkheads and return lines.

post pics of course


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Dude im jealous, if ya need any help Ill be happy to come and help ya move it into place or setup
any ideas on what size drain and return lines? has anyone made an overflow box? Currently have a mag 7 for a return pump, think it may be big enough?
no need at least 1000gph for the turnover i believe if not 1500gph, probably a 1.5 inch drain i would go 2" to be safe n quiet. 3/4 line for 1000gph return in two lines or 2 1 inch return if ya go 1500gph. that way if upgraded later the lines will handle more in the 2000gph returns. and quiet to boot. But thats me i tend to overkill whenever i can. Rumor is 1" lines handle about 600gph max (i played it safe and call it 500gph in a 1" line) and its noisy from my experience even with a durso attached. So i figure with 2" line that can handle 1200gph at least and it was quiet on Daniel's old setup with 2500gph returns and he had two 2" drains. but only 2 3/4" returns so he was restricting himself. so math wise 3/4" lines handle 500gph with a lil more height then 1" if your pump can handle the pressure if not ya cut it down to 400gph in a 3/4" line and 500gph on a 1" line. So on a 120 with a 10x turnover rate for your sump/refugium I personally would go with two 2" drain lines, and two 1" return lines for a maximum 1100gph to be safe 1200gph without head pressure. or factor in 1500gph and then your return would be two 1.5" lines to easily be upgraded to a full potential of 1800gph. I find on a 10x turnover rate through the sump/refugium is awesome and if needed you could turn it down to let other things catch up if they cant handle (gph wise) i.e skimmers n such, the turnover rate. As of course you know that if your skimmer or reactors cant handle the turnover rate as put forth your DT to sump rate then it'll take that much longer to remove unnecessary proteins n other chemicals that cause your DT problems down the road. Its all a balance

But I could be wrong lol. Thats just what I would do in your situation
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Oh and depending on the 90's and 45's in your return/drain lines ya factor in about 5gph loss for each 90's and 2.5gph for 45's. I use that "about" measurement for the pumps curve in real world applications and its worse if your pump curve drops 1gph for every foot. the mags dont more like 2pgh every 3 foot and worse the farther the distance of course. Just remember to look at the pump curve of any pump your going to buy and factor in your estimated distance of piping along with every turn it makes.

*Sidenote-- gravity wise on the drains every 45 you will lose 1gph so barely anything unless you put more then 2 turns in.
does anyone have any bulkheads, holesaws, plumbing parts, etc lying around that i can pick up from you? thanks