Bump, this build may be on hold for a while. My wife broke her arm/wrist this weekend and had surgery on it today. Needless to say, i had to outlay a ton of money that i had not budgeted. So i am hoping to sell some more corals to help with the bills. thank in advance, billy
I still have: mushroom rocks, zoa rocks, 1 head of frogspawn, hammer coral, green/purple pocci, green slimer, screaming birdsnest, hydnaphora, red monti, green monti, rainbow monti, and an unknown acro. Also have lots of zoas, radioactive dragon eyes, unknown bluish, fire/ice, hulks, purple death, aogs, jokers, red people eaters, nuclear greens, tubb blues, and candy apple red. Also have some acans and some new stuff that i have acquired, hawkins echinata, pearlberry, blue/green tort, garf bonsai, mohawk zoas and rasta zoas.