Lion, Eel, Shark, and Ray


New member
Hello Everyone,
I am in the process of setting up a 275 gallon predator tank and have some questions as far as fish compatibility. Right now, the plan is to have a california round ray, a bamboo shark, a volitan lionfish, snowflake eel and assorted tangs. I was wondering what other fish could go with this and what kind of clean up crew would work. for clean up crew, I was thinking assorted stars, urchins, and larger crabs but am concerned with the eel especially when it comes to the crabs. Would it be possible to house emerald crabs or decorator crabs or any other ideas?
It's unlikely you'll be able to keep crabs with a moray in the tank. The ray and shark would likely try and eat them too, and the shark may get large enough to try and eat the ray and eel (depending on relative sizes).
It's unlikely you'll be able to keep crabs with a moray in the tank. The ray and shark would likely try and eat them too, and the shark may get large enough to try and eat the ray and eel (depending on relative sizes).

Yeah I figured that the crabs would be a problem so do you have any suggestions on building an adequate clean up crew? Also, I haven't heard anywhere else that the shark would bother the others. In any case, the shark will be the last addition so it should start smaller than the others and not get big enough in relative size to eat them. The ray will be about a foot in diameter and the ray should be about 2 feet long. The shark we are looking at has a max size of 3 feet but is rather slender
If you are looking into a shark, the epaulette is a better choice than the brown banded bamboo. They are better adapted for small spaces. They will eat every small crab, shrimp, urchin and even snails in the tank. Starfish, abalone and clams would be your best bet.