List of Captive-Bred Livestock Available to Hobbyists

I think pretty much all of the tridacna clams except T.tevoroa are aquacultured. Some, such as the massive t.gigas, are hard to come by but still captive bred. Also, is the list about those bred in captivity or those available. I have bred coral banded shrimp but few of the young survive so I don't think you can buy them cb.
I am a breeder for Project DIBS and we will be testing retail sales through a few LFS within the next few months. Right now DIBS animals are only available within the breeder network as we build it into a viable alternative to wild caught inverts.
I just got back from San Diego and personally saw CB wolf eels. Any takers on that? The little guys were aout 1 1/2 in. long and very gregarious. Good eaters. The store was Pet Kingdom. Found the address in the SDMAC site. Just a little shocked I guess. OF course, arent wolf eels actually a Blenny?
I didn't see yellowhead jawfish on the list? I understand they aren't too hard to raise. sellls them....

I have had my Skunk Cleaner Shrimp breed in my tank. Is that odd. None lived because all my fish eat them. But they would have if I wanted them to i bet.
It's totally interesting to check out the different sites, even with livestock I'm not interested in.
Thank you so much to everyone posting information.
Great info. The wife is adamant about buying fish that are captive bread. However, where we live we don't have a good selection of fish let alone captive bread...

Is there a web based site that deals solely in or even majority of captive bread?
This is an emerging/growing part of the hobby. The only one I can think of off-hand is Sustainable Aquatics. I have not bought from them personally, but I do admire their conviction, particularly in a fickle hobby.

There's just not enough fish available yet. I know there are a myriad of people trying to breed a variety of fish and inverts, but the success rate is meager at this point. A lot of work has been put into breeding cleaner shrimp, but as far as I know, no consistent success has been reported.

However, with your wife's leanings, there's no reason you can't set up a sweet reef with anemones and clownfish as a start. It could be nearly a "species" tank, but keep in mind that anemones require a lot of light to stay in one place, and in general are not coral friendly. I have them in my tank and it can be quite challenging to grow corals and anemones side-by-side.

My "parent" GBTA has grown to grotesque proportions and is taking up some serious real estate. So is my PLTA. But, I find the symbiotic relationships of the reef to be very interesting so I am more willing than most to handle the risk. Because I am using 1000W lamps, my anemones stay put, on the bottom, and it is extremely rare for one to move at all.

That is not the case in most reef systems so beware!

Good luck! :)
Interesting list. It would be helpful to have an update, if someone has the time.

Is there some way to have editable list, so everyone can contribute?
Is there some way to have editable list, so everyone can contribute?

That would mean changing the edit window to forever for all members/all posts. That's not something we're willing to do, sorry.
Something like a wiki would be useful in situations like this.

I believe ORA is doing frozen food eating Mandarin Dragonettes as well, which I think is huge!

does anyone know if bumblebee snails, pusiostoma (engina) mendicaria, can be bred in a tank?? How they breed, is it difficult etc Anything please
Is there any way to check whether the source of fish/inverts that you buy are captive bred or from the wild? Is there a certifying organization for example?