Long trailing tenicles (of doom?)


New member
So today i noticed that one of the pieces of newer LR has some long (.5inches) tenicles trailing in the water, they seem to be growing out of a white i assume calcified base structure of some sort. I was just wondering if anyone could help out with ID or info. Thanks. Oh it looks like there was also some apistia on the rock too but these look very very different than that.
Sorry i cant provide any pics, but there are 1-3 tenicles comming from each base area. It is in an area of high flow in the tank.
sounds like it could be a Spionid worm of some kind. but they usually only have 2 tenicles. may be a barnacle as well. imposible to say without a pic.
Hmmm, well its not looking like any of the pictures of those worm that were suggested. Im sorry i wish i could get a picture of it. Really though the tenicles look very similar to those that you see as sweeper tenicles from some coral. Very fine in appearance and really very long compared to their girth. I tried searching for barnacles too, but didnt find any with tenicles at all? I will keep watching them and see what happens with them. They are still very small, maybe in a week or two they will be more descernable. Thanks everyone : )