Looking for a CUBE

No way can you have my tank back!!!!:uzi::uzi:

By "freshie" i KNOW you dont mean FW tank i hope.

Im sure the hosrsies made you happy for a little bit, but thats over too. :deadhorse:

Com on man- you know this stuff is in your genetic make up, you just cant give it up. Im sure the "pimp" of reefing will be back soon too!!!!
I have a 22"x22"x22" cube that I am going to be listing for sale. It is a Reefsavvy 3 sided low iron tank. I have a custom sump/refugium that I can sell with it or a smaller brand sump that I could offer. I have a Tunze 9011 skimmer and an Eheim 1260 return pump as well as an Orphek PR720 dimmable led light. I also have live or dry marco rocks. Let me know if you are interested
No thanks just needed a little tank I promised for the little boss ladies.
Did set up a breeder with tons of spare parts from the garage and now I raise guppies and mollies!

Go Big or go home-- I will leave the madness to you guys- will continue hibernating and lurking.
You joined July 2006? That must have been around the time Al Gore invented the internet and cavemen walked the earth. :)