Looks like there might be some ich in the Diver's Den

You don't see the white specs? I could be wrong, but it looks like he has a light sprinkling of salt to me.

It could be scars leftover from a velvet attack..
Looking up other pix of this species I see that some are maze-line with clear, even dots on head, and some are more dotty instead of mazy, without the head dots. What you're observing reminds me of old anemone stings. If interested in the fish, a phone call might be in order to ask what they observe.
I changed the title of the thread to "might be" instead of "there is".

All of their livestock is always perfect so I was surprised to see some white dots on the dark areas of it's fins.
I changed the title of the thread to "might be" instead of "there is".

All of their livestock is always perfect so I was surprised to see some white dots on the dark areas of it's fins.

Quarantine all fish no matter what the source.
And corals too. Pretty sure I got montipora eating nudibranchs from a maricultured plating monti from DD. Shame on me for not dipping and QTing.
They look more like shipping marks where it has scatches itself, which aren't uncommon. But as above qt everything.
DD runs copper in their systems and since fish rarely are there for 30+ days I would imagine that the chances of a fish having ich from them is high
DD runs copper in their systems and since fish rarely are there for 30+ days I would imagine that the chances of a fish having ich from them is high

Yikes. Are there other suppliers that do an adequate job QTing the fish they sell?


Mike, I'm sure Divers Den fish are healthy, but there are no guarantees from any vendor. Ich is present in most vendor's systems. Responsibility is on us to perform a proper QT.

I was just surprised to see a fish with spots on it. Usually their livestock is the best of the best.