Lots of water, or What the heck are you thinking

JustOneMoreTank said:
Looks like that Acrylic is about 1/2 inch??? Wow :eek1:

remember they are beefy for a reason these are what keep the water in the system and out of my house :)

ok really have to go see ya all on Thursday :).

I should have some cool pics for ya next time.
I have a question about your actuator for the canopy. I have actually been thinking about this idea for a couple of years now, i changed my R&D to an automatic stand skirt....anyway,
Are you going to put a light in the middle of the canopy, and if so how are you going to mount it with the actuator mounted in the middle?

Napoleon_K... the very large Rubbermaid tubs pictured here do not "bulge" when filled with water. These units are very heavy duty and are meant to hold large volumes of water. The smaller tubs that are commonly carried at WalMart or Target of course will flex and bulge if filled with water. You have to find units that have a good bit of structure or ribbing to them.
gobygoby said:
I have a question about your actuator for the canopy. I have actually been thinking about this idea for a couple of years now, i changed my R&D to an automatic stand skirt....anyway,
Are you going to put a light in the middle of the canopy, and if so how are you going to mount it with the actuator mounted in the middle?


Hi, my lights are going to be on adjustable slides, right now I still am not sure what will be the best way to light the tank.
My current tank has 3 250w MH lights on it. I plan to do a sort of two isle look with the landscaping so the middle of the tank will have no rock work or very little. I am not sure the 250's will reach all the way to the bottom of the tank I may have to go with a 400 there.
You are right though the very center I can not put a light I will have to be just off to the side of center. This may mean 4 MHââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s 1 on both ends and 2 offset either side of center.

I may go 400ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s in the center at least that is the way I am leaning now. That would give me a spare 250 which will go over the frag tank.
ok, i see the light over is a pretty good idea. heres what I was thinking for my 180 with 3 pendants.
Hey Frank, tell me again how you plan to skim all this water, when you get a chance. If this system adds up to 1300g, you'll need a skimmer capable of handling that water volume...
OK- I finally updated my post so I figured I could now give you a little bit of a hard time about not updating yours :) . So how is it coming along? Hope to see some updates when you get time.
okay, no I am sucked into this thread... update it please, been alomost a month since the last post
Rubber Maid stock tank

Rubber Maid stock tank

Northside Reef, what dimensions did you send to Chris for the Rubbermaid covers? I have a 100 gallon and a 70 gallon tank, and I want to order covers for both of them.
did you have to do anything special to the actuator to get it working??

I just got mine tonight and it came with the Taiwan male plug-in so I called the guys at parts express and they said it was fine to splice in the U.S. plug. When I press the buttons on the control the red LED lights up but no noise or movement in the actuator. I noticed a small screw on the actuator motor that can be adjusted, I assume this is for limiting? do you have to have the batteries hooked in to make this work? anyway, I didnt know if there is a secret to get it working. so far my doesnt do anything!:( :mad:

PS. mine didnt come with any instructions either.
