Lots of water, or What the heck are you thinking

Okay...the canopy and actuator definately looks nice- the stand looks great as well. I think I'm going to have to stop giving out my secrets- you are getting them done and functional before I am and that's just not right. :) kidding of course- I'm just glad someone else found my ideas useful and your tank is coming along great.

Looks like you will be able to open the canopy pretty far if you wanted to- how much farther will it go? Mine will be a little different as my actuator will only open the front of my canopy but I'm glad to see it works.

So when do you plan on having your stand powdercoated? I kind of figured you'd have that done already.

I see your completion date of July got bumped...I was hoping for July at first but it hit me very quickly that July was a pipe dream for me....August will be tight but with any luck it will be done by then- we'll probably be finished fairly close to the same time.

Keep the pics coming!
sidewinder770 said:
Okay...the canopy and actuator definately looks nice- the stand looks great as well. I think I'm going to have to stop giving out my secrets- you are getting them done and functional before I am and that's just not right. :) kidding of course- I'm just glad someone else found my ideas useful and your tank is coming along great.

Looks like you will be able to open the canopy pretty far if you wanted to- how much farther will it go? Mine will be a little different as my actuator will only open the front of my canopy but I'm glad to see it works.

So when do you plan on having your stand powdercoated? I kind of figured you'd have that done already.

I see your completion date of July got bumped...I was hoping for July at first but it hit me very quickly that July was a pipe dream for me....August will be tight but with any luck it will be done by then- we'll probably be finished fairly close to the same time.

Keep the pics coming!

Yeah thanks again Scott for the idea, it works pretty slick :).

I could open the canopy farther then I would ever need it too, I just did not want to push those tack welds for the photo shot.

I won't powder coat the stand until I am sure it is done, (like welding in the brackets to hold that actuator).

I hope I am done in August lol but I ain't making any promises :D

That tub is MASSIVE compared to that washing machine!

325 gallons :)
Is there any risk that having vast amounts of water will actually deplete oxygen levels, unless the surface is rippling in all containers? I'm looking at all the water in my return section of my sump, and it is very serene. Hmmmm.
melev said:
Is there any risk that having vast amounts of water will actually deplete oxygen levels, unless the surface is rippling in all containers? I'm looking at all the water in my return section of my sump, and it is very serene. Hmmmm.

I am not sure Marc, but DO is something I will monitor as a few folks have brought that question up, so it's something I should be able to answer.
Personally I think I will have enough flow in the main tank to keep oxygen at adequate levels, but I can always add something to give me good surface movement in the refugiums if need be.

The information I have on the actuator is:
Venture MFG. CO.
Model # FD24-A1-427.673

The stroke of the unit I have is 246mm looks like you need around 305mm for your application.
How are you going to measure dissolved oxygen? Yet another gizmo? ;) Or do you plan to use the Orp probe in an Aqua Controller? I don't even have one hooked up because the readings were so screwy.
IS this as cool as it seems? I think I really want one

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v520/frnorth/aqua3Pro.jpg">

is there a different one (maybe cheaper) that I could get a link to?
WOW! ok this is quite an investment the DO probe is $419.. alone, can anyone who has used one of these give some information on the company that makes them? What is the warranty and how reliable are they?
I noticed that the AQ Jr was at a great price, and would do pretty much what I demand of my AQ II right now.

Matter of fact :mad:, I paid $185 to have mine repaired, and that one brand new was less? Argh!
It may be a better option to go with a smaller AQ and then get a separate DO monitor.
I will give it some time to mull it over, meantime I can still use the Salifert test kit.
northside - IMO the ACIII (new one) isn't that much more functional then the older ACII (the one marc AND i have.) AC's ROCK!!!! they really really do but it all depends on what you need it to monitor. you can get the JR if you need just basic temp and ph and take care of ALL of your timers (lights, pump, etc) and it will keep track of ALL those vitals and put them in graphs or you can add values also. aquanotes (the software) is NICE

i have an ACII. the regular one...not the pro...i think the pro does DO and something else...but i will NEVER need that. mine does ORP, pH, Temp, and all the other "normal" stuff.

there are other companies that do make other things that are sort of the same...one Italian company makes something some people were getting recently...don't rememeber what it is called.

lots and lots of AC's out there w/ VERY little complants. it is more of the x10 control moduals that people find finiky sometimes

I didn't see that you can hook the JR to the PC to monitor things. I think that is one of the best features, being able to go away and having peace of mind by checking on the tank every once in a while.
The one thing that would concern me about that unit is that it is made in Italy. Would I have US customer support? and who will fix it if it breaks?

BTW did you see the actuator pics?