MACNA 2013 too expensive

full passes with room rental reaped the most benefits: Breaking it down a little

parking was 12 a day. I was there 3 days, and got charged for 2. Saved 36.00 off regular price
stayed 2 nights at 200.00 off regular price. Saved 400.00
got four free meals x (2 people)= saved approx 75.00 x 2= 150.00
got 4 free drinks= saved about 30.00
got 5 off room each night for not using room service- saved 10.00
got 2 50.00 salt rebates= credit back when i buy rc salt= 100.00
free fish food= at least $80.00
free shirts and other stuff= 200.00
got rid of excess corals 300.00
bought three corals half off 25.00
have several coupons, including 25% allfish- priceless

spent on raffle- zero. Im just unlucky
spent on awesome room for 2 nights 340.00 i believe. And they let me check in 6 hours early!
Spent on food- spent about 100.00
macna tickets- 90.00 x 2 180

credit= about 1325.00
debit= about 720.00

i feel like macna paid me $625.00 and gave awesome place to stay.

I'm kinda shocked this thread hasn't been closed.......

Not sure why you would be shocked since people are just stating their opinions.

I think fish2reefs comments are very well said and will hopefully give more insight to the people who don't understand the scope of MACNA and the costs.
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Enough whining already guys. I am so sick of people complaining about the prices when you could of gone in for free if you volunteered. I attended all 3 days for FREE so you could of as well. Anyways, enough of that for now.

The guys and girls worked VERY hard to put this on for us to enjoy and they didnt even get to enjoy it THEMSELVES. Seeing this many people complaining about something that they worked so hard on has to hurt.

If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

Thanks to all that worked their butts off (volunteers included)!

Are we reading the same thread? Most of the replies here are on the club's side and understanding of the cost.

I'm kinda shocked this thread hasn't been closed.

I'm following and haven't seen a reason to issue a warning, much less close this thread. As long as it continues as a civil discussion, ( I see no reason to think it won't) I have no reason to stop it.
For $80 it was well worth it. People complain about parking but you know what, you pay the same just to go to beach. For $80 my daughter and I had a great time. She was a trooper...spent at least 10 hours each day Sat and Sun. She even helped some break down their displays :)
I agree with Coralfish. Cost of the conference itself was very reasonable. Actually, cheap when you factor in the cost of the conference center and the number/quality of the speakers. It was the hotel extras that hurt. $20 for parking, $19 for a sandwich and coke. $4 for a coke. Ouch on the hotel!

Also, I did not stay at the hotel and went home in the evenings. But kudos to FMAS for negotiating the hotel room. The cost of the rooms themselves was very cheap compared to what they would normally go for.

And I will also see ya'll in Denver. Already bought tix.
I thought it was great as well. I bought a full conference pass for $89 & still volunteered for more than 4 hours Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. I think single day passes were $65 two years ago in Orlando, but I bought a full conference pass for that as well.

I didn't get nearly the time to enjoy all the speakers & vendors that I hoped I would have, but I feel that giving back to FMAS by volunteering was my duty as an active member. FMAS has provided me with so much over the years that paying for a full conference pass & volunteering every day was well worth it.

Again, Matt, Eddie, Marvin, Bobby, & everyone else, you guys did an amazing job & I had a great time. I truly appreciate all the hard work you guys put into everything. You guys definitely made me proud to call myself a member of the one, and only, Florida Marine Aquarium!

Full passes with room rental reaped the most benefits: Breaking it down a little

Parking was 12 a day. I was there 3 days, and got charged for 2. Saved 36.00 off regular price
Stayed 2 nights at 200.00 off regular price. Saved 400.00
Got four free meals x (2 people)= Saved approx 75.00 x 2= 150.00
Got 4 free drinks= Saved about 30.00
Got 5 off room each night for not using room service- saved 10.00
Got 2 50.00 salt rebates= credit back when I buy RC salt= 100.00
Free Fish Food= At least $80.00
Free shirts and other stuff= 200.00
Got rid of excess corals 300.00
Bought Three corals half off 25.00
Have several coupons, including 25% allfish- Priceless

Spent on raffle- zero. Im just unlucky
Spent on awesome room for 2 nights 340.00 I believe. And they let me check in 6 hours early!
Spent on Food- Spent about 100.00
MACNA Tickets- 90.00 x 2 180

CREDIT= About 1325.00
DEBIT= About 720.00

I feel like MACNA paid me $625.00 and gave awesome place to stay.

Biggar- Thats how I feel every time I go to a MACNA. I havent bought food for my tank in over 5 years, still have dozens of Tshirts from all over the country, previous years at the banquet they have given free salt, free LED lights, powerheads, this year the $50 salt rebate.

I agree with DGen- No need to close the thread, we want constructive critisism, not that we have any intentions of doing this again anytime soon. All are entitled to there opinion, but it appears, if you follow social media, this is the only place i have seen a complaint about the event price. Coming from a local, that spent zero on travel expenses, we can take the critisism.

BTW- If you plan on arriving on the last day to a MACNA, dont expect the freebies to be the same as those that have been there 2 days. Stuff runs out. No vendor wants to spend money shipping in items, only to have to spend to send them back. Stuff is given away on a first come basis.
Wow! I should have cut my Tokyo trip short and made it to Macna. I'm definitely planning for next year, just sorry I didn't get to see this one as it sounds like (from this and other threads) it was a resounding success!

Thank you to all who put in the effort, sweat, tears and money in making these events a reality. :beer:
I thought it was great as well. I bought a full conference pass for $89 & still volunteered for more than 4 hours Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. I think single day passes were $65 two years ago in Orlando, but I bought a full conference pass for that as well.

I didn't get nearly the time to enjoy all the speakers & vendors that I hoped I would have, but I feel that giving back to FMAS by volunteering was my duty as an active member. FMAS has provided me with so much over the years that paying for a full conference pass & volunteering every day was well worth it.

Again, Matt, Eddie, Marvin, Bobby, & everyone else, you guys did an amazing job & I had a great time. I truly appreciate all the hard work you guys put into everything. You guys definitely made me proud to call myself a member of the one, and only, Florida Marine Aquarium!


Blair- you said it just right!!

FMAS thanks the volunteers, cause without them/you, this would not have been the success it was!!!!!

Your right, our original offer to FMAS members was $89. Lets disregard all the other freebees. Marineland gave banquet attendees $50 for salt. That places your cost at $39. Not bad for 3 days of fun, including speakers, exhibit hall, and 2 parties that included booze and food!!:debi:

We should all be proud to be FMAS Members!!!