I must confess I made a big mistake in my first MACNA; bought a full access but did not understand this included the reception and banquet so I missed out on those two. All for not knowing what to expect.
It cost lots of money to put together a quality event like MACNA; trust me I am doing the accounting. Can we make it cheaper? Yes, if we downgrade the event, take away international speakers, Friday reception, Sunday banquet, hold event at a small fairground; then MACNA would lose its appeal to all that travel every year to attend, the big companies would not justify the expense to come and it would be just another big frag swap.
We have lots of frag swaps but only one MACNA that is why it has a loyal following, after a couple of MACNA’s you get to know some of the regulars that have been to 10+ and one has been to all 25. I have not heard of a frag swap that draws people from Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Australia, Germany (these are people I dealt with helping at registration) by the way staying at the official MACNA hotel gives you an incredible after hours casual exposure to awesome hobbyist and manufacturer contacts, I highly recommend it to anyone attending in the future.
On the free handouts side, we had bags for the first 2500 attendees it took a group of about 15 volunteers to give up a Saturday to make this happen. Then you have to be on the lookout for other free stuff, your first shot was the quarantine dip on the counter it sells at $5 per pack, was there free for the taking no limit and the same scenario repeated in the hall with many other products. Good deals and handouts alone are 1/3 of the value; look up the speaker line up, notice MACNA gives you access to legends not only to listen but to approach, purpose of making their lanyard with a big red speaker label.
MACNA is a special event that has a track record of 25 years with a growing attendance and reputation, hosting this event (owned by MASNA) contractually obligates you to continue this trend and cater to the wide range of local, national and international vendors and followers. I do not see a reduction in MACNA’s value in the near future on the contrary, attend while you can because as it grows so will the demands on hosting club and cost.
I thank all for the opportunity to serve and represent South Florida, overall I hope I added some value to this event and made most if not all proud.