MACNA is almost here


Active member
We just stuffed 2500 bags full of goodies :bounce1:

BRS Reef Chili anyone??


Fish Tank King/Nat Geo Water Bottles:


Do we have magazines in the attendee bag, yep, check out the boxes in the magazine area!!

Dang, I guess I didn't need to get this issue of CORAL! Oh well, I can give it those who aren't going.

Thanks for the hard work you put in this weekend...I'm sorry I couldn't come stuff bags. But I DID have an excuse. ;) Look forward to seeing you there!
Wow you guys are going all out!! Nice work!

Firewill- If you have never been to a MACNA it will be hard for you to compare. Many on the FMAS committee, and myself have been to a few.

This will be the MACNA that everyone else going forward will try to recreate. That being said, GOOD LUCK, LOL

Those coming for the first time will not understand as our bar will be at the upmost ever!!
If you were to pick one day to attend, would it be the 1st or the last? Really just planning on walking around and of course buying some corals.
Great job guys! Sorry I couldn't make it. I will make it up to ya.

Where do we report to start our volunteer shift?

Information will be forth coming as time draws near. Next weekend along with MACNA we can use as much help as possible for volunteering. We will be stuffing registration information. Saturday at 9am (Eddies House). I am the one behind the scenes taking care of volunteers and will have information for a meeting area and procedures for everyone as time draws near.
If you were to pick one day to attend, would it be the 1st or the last? Really just planning on walking around and of course buying some corals.

Thats kind of a 2 part decision you want first pick of all the corals or are you looking for deals.....
Thats kind of a 2 part decision you want first pick of all the corals or are you looking for deals.....

I agree with Matt. your choice.

How about speakers? We have guys coming in from all over the world. Do you know everything there is to know?
Check out the speaker schedule on the MACNA site. That might also help you decide which day you want to come.

Yep, I've seen this. Now it's not a question of "what day to I come," but "How can I clone myself to be in 3 or 4 places at once??" Seriously, these speeches are going to be great. I have a few family obligations early Sunday AM, but I should be able to catch most of the Sunday topics.
The only day speakers will overlap will be Sunday. We tried our best to have as few overlaps as possible to eliminate the need to choose one speaker over another. Sunday is a shorter day and the day of the main raffle so there was no way around it'
Information will be forth coming as time draws near. Next weekend along with MACNA we can use as much help as possible for volunteering. We will be stuffing registration information. Saturday at 9am (Eddies House). I am the one behind the scenes taking care of volunteers and will have information for a meeting area and procedures for everyone as time draws near.

Matt, I can be there till about noon, so count me in.
Matt, I can be there till about noon, so count me in.

Thanks Renee we really appreciate the off, but we are set for this weekend. As you know my house is not as big as Bobby's warehouse. I could only fit so many, and we are set.

If anything changes ill let you know.
lThank you Eddie for all the hard work in preparations

Thanks for the kind words but this has been a group effort. Our MACNA committee has spent hundreds of hours over JUST the past few months to iron out the details.

Our volunteers next week will also make a HUGE difference, so if you have the time, please come forward. Matt (MrX) is now in charge of volunteers. Reach out to him if you can help PLEASE.
Thanks Renee we really appreciate the off, but we are set for this weekend. As you know my house is not as big as Bobby's warehouse. I could only fit so many, and we are set.

If anything changes ill let you know.

Ok. I already sent an email stating the times for MACNA that I can work and also said I will see ya'll tomorrow. I didn't see this post in time so I will wait to hear from Matt about volunteering during the event. Have fun tomorrow and no table dancing, only pole dancing. :lmao:
I know it's $20 for parking a day. I'm officially staying overnight Fri - Mon, but getting there Friday AM for the festivities!. Is the day parking different from resort? I don't want to double pay! And is it self parking? I do valet as a last resort at most places, especially if I'm not familiar. Thanks!