MACNA photos?

well I am on the booth right now ;)

Photos will follow including screen shots of the to be released .NET software!!

Off to pool now then banquet
No pool for you! If your new pool found out that you were cheating on it already...put some Flip video up on youtube for all of us...quickly...we need our GHL fix ;)

hahah ya I'm not a big fan of .net either but it might be possible to run the new PLC on the mono project if it's done right :P
.net barely runs efficiently in full blown servers...

I can only imagine how it will run in a small low-end box like a profilux controller.

Oh the negativity before anything has been shown explained or demonstrated. :thumbdown

No matter what is released you will always have plus and minus's this is expected.

Everyone at Macna have been very excited by the new software which you will see AFTER Christmas. Screen shots will be posted shortly.

Lets all just sit back and enjoy what is going to come. :beer:
it's PLC that has been rewriten in .NET.... not the native firmware of the profilux! This is a good thing :)

.net barely runs efficiently in full blown servers...

I can only imagine how it will run in a small low-end box like a profilux controller.
It is the software not the Firmware that is changing

LOTS of graphics, icons, graphing features more than you could ever need, easy access to communication set up wizards, laid out like microsoft software such as office etc
saw it today. Great interface. It was pretty much the deciding factor to make the switch to the Profilux 3. Plus Mike is a great salesman with out being a salesman. If you know what I mean. It's easy to sell a product you love.

Ron, even without the touch interface, once you see what the P3 is capable of doing, honestly I cant see why looking anywhere else. What is great is that between; Mike, Matthias, Gareth, members of this forum and Aquariumcomputer dot com you can sleep easy that are in good hands.

Ron, even without the touch interface, once you see what the P3 is capable of doing, honestly I cant see why looking anywhere else. What is great is that between; Mike, Matthias, Gareth, members of this forum and Aquariumcomputer dot com you can sleep easy that are in good hands.


It wasn't the only factor. The whole setup is incredable. Currently I have a rke(garbage), and am just tired or there lack of support, and a controller that I built. It will be great to have it all on one interface. I used to code PLCs, and this will do just as much as I could do with a PLC in a much more userfriendly package. Plus i'm not going to be on my own for support as I was with my own code. Just need to sell my RKE, and get one of these bad boys

I'll be posting some photos up tomorrow guys :-) It was a fantastic event and well worth the trip. I just got home and have about 800 photos to sort through so bear with me!
very fantastic event!! saw some neat stuff, attended some lectures, and burnt in the hot florida sun! ill leave the honors of our photo posting up to GDominy :)