MACNA Volunteers Parking

Reading is the first post


No need to be a smart a**


I also called the hotel and was able to confirm what this facebook post said. $12 for everyone regardless.
I volunteered today and I paid $20 because there was no person at the exit for the parking lot. It was an automated machine. So unless there is someone there you will be paying $20 if you stay more than 8 hours. Under eight I believe it was $14. Believe me people, it's worth it. You are getting free entrance to one of the best shows in this hobby.
I also think $20 is MORE THAN REASONABLE for a hotel of this quality AND for a SHOW OF THIS MAGNITUD! $20 is a bargain!
I got a ride! :D Traffic is crazy getting there tho. Hopefully over the weekend it'll calm down.

While I was walking out ran into the Tanked dudes.. Cool guys.
I find it funny with the amount of people that do not realize what parking at a nice hotel costs.

I don't know why some of you think that a lot of us are not familiar with the parking fees at fancy hotels. My husband retired from the Navy as a Captain (rank 06) and is a pilot with American Airlines. Between these 2 we have traveled all over the world and stayed at plenty of hotels such as the Diplomat. We also normally rent a car so are very familiar with parking fees.

The reason I made my commets was because I thought it would be nice for the volunteers to get a discounted rate. It also never hurts to ask.
I should have said that I thought $20.00 a day was a lot for parking for volunteers, especially when some of us are volunteering for 3 days. One day at MACNA was enough for me, but I will still be volunteering the next 2 days.

With this being said, I have nothing more to say about the subject.

aka Renee
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