Macon's 90g Rimless

New Fish

New Fish

Just got my order from the divers den of a dracula goby and a randalls pistol shrimp. I already have a blue spot jawfish in QT so I drip acclimated and added the shimp/goby to the display. They found each other within 5 minutes. So excited!!! I'll try to get a picture of them when they come out.
Thats a sweet pair man especially when they bond. How big is the pistol shrimp? I really like them but I had to get rid of mine he wouldnt find a home and just kept digging and digging until he had my aquascape all jacked and he loved to "pop" his claw all during the night.
Thats a sweet pair man especially when they bond. How big is the pistol shrimp? I really like them but I had to get rid of mine he wouldnt find a home and just kept digging and digging until he had my aquascape all jacked and he loved to "pop" his claw all during the night.

I got really lucky that they bonded so fast. I have a Yasha and Randall's pair as well and it took over a month for them to find each other. Both of the pistol shrimp are about an inch long. I haven't had a problem with them yet. The first shrimp roams a lot but always ends up back at the original burrow. Also, all of my rock is mortared together so I shouldn't have the aquascape issue. I got the first pistol shrimp about 3 months ago and I've only heard him "pop" once when a serpent star stuck one of its arm down the burrow.
I haven't seen the Dracule Goby and pistol shrimp since I put them in the tank. I lifted up the rock where I thought their burrow was and found only the pistol shrimp. He darted out of there and right into the burrow where my Yasha/Randall live. A few minutes later and I see the Dracula Goby poke it's head out of the same burrow. So in one burrow I have (2) Randalls Pistol Shrimp, a Yasha Haze Goby and a Dracula Goby. How cool is that...?
What is Dracula Jerky?
Edit - oh nevermind - I get it. Sorry for your loss.

That's suprising with your screen top the way you did it. I really liked that set-up where the screen was supported inside the rimless tank.
What is Dracula Jerky?
Edit - oh nevermind - I get it. Sorry for your loss.

That's suprising with your screen top the way you did it. I really liked that set-up where the screen was supported inside the rimless tank.

There's a half inch gap in the back from the square rod reinforcing the back vertical seams keeping the screen frame from reaching all the way back. I'll have to figure out a way to fix it before I let my blue spot out of quarantine. Sad day. Made me sick to my stomach to see it dried up on my floor. Not just the money, I've had my eye on this fish for years. Finally got it and with one careless act of neglect I killed it. Stupid. I will get another one but not before my tank is secure.
Pretty sure I'm done buying corals for a while. I hit the mother load today.

Blue Hoeki
Pink Tip Stag
Yellow Caroliniana Acropora
Yellow Tort
Ice Fire Enchinata
Candle Light Concert
ORA Miami Orchid
Red Planet
Paletta Pink Tip
Blue Hornets
Electric Oompa Loompa Zoa

I've always wanted a pair of clowns but I was having a hard time finding the clowns I wanted. I decided on a Wyoming White and ORA Black Snowflake a couple months ago and I found a store today that had both but they were in separate tanks so I got the biggest black and smallest white to try and influence pairing vs fighting. So far so good. Both fish are in QT and seem to be getting along.

Nice looking fish!! I had a ORA "swiss cheese" clown and it was awesome. I had it paired with a true perc and they did well after a week of fighting. Love tue jaw fish too!
Nice looking fish!! I had a ORA "swiss cheese" clown and it was awesome. I had it paired with a true perc and they did well after a week of fighting. Love tue jaw fish too!

Fish2O in Lakeland got a bunch of designer clowns in

Wyoming white
ORA black snowflake

Gold nugget
Some update photos

Some update photos

Everything seems to be coming along pretty good. Slight issue with my PO4 but I think I got a handle on it.



I lost both of the clowns. The Wyoming White died within 24 hours and the Black Snowflake died today. Not sure what happened. :sad2:
12/9 Update

12/9 Update

Today marks 5 months!!!! Waiting on a replacement wet side for one of my MP40s. Using the koralia for supplement.

Started up my calcium reactor today at 11 bubbles/minute and 53 drips/minute as a starting point. I was dosing 2 part daily at 75mL calcium and 20mL alk daily. Currently my calcium is 420 and Alk is 9.1. Any pointers?
1/14/14 Test Results

1/14/14 Test Results

Salinity: 1.026 (Milwaukee digital refractometer) Good
Temperature: 79.8 (Probe) Good
Ammonia: 0ppm (Red Sea) Good
Nitrite: 0ppm (Hanna Checker) Good
Nitrate: 0ppm (Red Sea) Good
Phosphate: .02ppm (Hanna Checker) Good
pH: 8.03 (Probe) Low
Calcium: 443ppm (Hanna Checker) Good
Alkalinity: 164ppm/9.2dkh (Hanna Checker) Good
Magnesium: 1320ppm (Red Sea) Good