Macon's 90g Rimless

Basically my skimmer has a pretty large foot print so everything was built around that. I also like the idea of a slower flow through the refugium so my GFO reactor fills the refugium and I built the refugium tank a little higher than the sump so it gravity feeds back into the sump.

Ah okay, I get it now. I'm interested to read your thoughts on the skimmer once it has been running for a while.
Energy Efficient?

Energy Efficient?

Is 463 watts/3.9 amps an efficient average for a 90g SPS tank?

Daily peak: 643 watts / 5.4 amps
Daily base: 283 watts / 2.4 amps

What does your tank(s) draw? Please include tank size.
Fish Wish List

Fish Wish List

Here is what I plan on adding to the tank over the next year or so. Let me know what you think or if you see any compatibility issues. Also open to addition suggestions.

1.) Yasha Goby w/Randalls Pistol Shrimp
2.) Banggai Cardinal
3.) Royal Gramma Basslet
4.) Orange Spot Blenny
5.) Purple Tile Fish
6.) Fire Fish
7.) Red Mandarin Dragonet
8.) Blue Spot Jawfish
9.) Blotched Anthias
10.) Ventralis Anthias Harem
Test Results

Test Results

8/23 @ 8:30pm

SG: 1.026 GOOD
Temp: 79.6 GOOD
Ammonia: 0 GOOD
Nitrite: .042 GOOD
Nitrate: 25 TOO HIGH
Phosphate: 0 GOOD
pH: 8.1 GOOD
Calcium: 556 TOO HIGH
Alkalinity: 8.5 GOOD

I don't understand my nitrate readings. They were 10ppm on the 21st, I did a 35% WC on the 22nd and the next day the nitrates went up, a lot. The tank is about 6 weeks old and stocked with the following:

Green Chromis added on 7/19
Yasha Goby added on 8/2
Lawnmower Blenny added on 8/17

Cleaner Shrimp added on 7/27
Fire Shrimp added on 7/28
Peppermint Shrimp added on 8/2
Randall's Pistol Shrimp added on 8/2
Red Harlequin Serpent Starfish added on 8/3
(2) Porcelain Crabs added on 8/6
B & W Harlequin Serpent Starfish added on 8/7
Screen top

Screen top

I decided to add a screen top to my tank so I can widen the range of fish I can keep. Thanks to mark54321 I have a screen top that doesn't take away from the rimless look and still serves it's purpose. Here are a few pictures of how it turned out.

So I'm getting a custom rimless, 40 x 24 x 19. I'm getting the mp40s too but was concerned they would be too powerful. How are they doing in your tank?
So I'm getting a custom rimless, 40 x 24 x 19. I'm getting the mp40s too but was concerned they would be too powerful. How are they doing in your tank?

I run mine through my apex so they change modes every hour and set to anti-sync. If both are on the back glass facing the front of the tank than I can only operate them at 50% to avoid a sand storm. Which IMO is not enough flow for an SPS tank. I moved them to the end panes facing each other and now they operate at 80% and the flow is pretty turbulent and no dead spots. To answer your question, two mp40s is more than what I need but 1 would not be enough. Some other things to consider are aquascape and sand. With my aquascape there is part that gets blasted so it will be hard (impossible) to place corals there. I used special grade reef sand and if i could do it again I would definitely go with a bigger grain sand or bare bottom.
Did you try this Macon?

My MP40s are running at something like 65% according to this calculator in my 120.

The calculator says I should be running mine at a little less than 50%. But the center of the optimal zone is about 70% so it seems I'm at the high end of the optimal zone for efficiency but way above what's recommended for SPS. Right now I only have a couple frags so maybe once I get some more corals I can get a better idea of how they will be affected by the flow. I'm sure I'll end up turning them down a bit. Thanks for the link.
How do your fish like all that flow?

I don't really have any fish that swim around yet. Just a lawnmower blenny, a yasha goby and a chromis which seems to be doing good. I added a banggai cardinal yesterday. So far I haven't seen any issues.
DIY LED Fuge Light

DIY LED Fuge Light

I was having issues with the DIY LED light I made for my refugium. The LEDs worked just fine but the potentiometer was not dimming the lights properly. Instead of dimming, the lights just flashed. I added in 5 more LEDs for a total of 13 diodes and everything works just as it should now. My driver was rated for a minimum of 10 LEDs and I only had 8 so I'm thinking that's why the dimmer wasn't working properly. I went from (4) Deep Red and (4) Royal Blue to (5) Deep Red, (5) Royal Blue, (1) Green and (2) White.

happy that led fix worked!

hook us up with some details on your screen cover please. I need to make one for my 60 cube and don't want to reinvent the wheel. yous came out great! tanks lookin good!
Interesting screen, what is it made of? Any chance of corrosion later down the road?

I think that this is very likely to happen. The frame is metal so I'm sure it will rust eventually. The good thing is the frame only cost me about $10 so if I need to replace it later on down the road it wont be a big deal.
happy that led fix worked!

hook us up with some details on your screen cover please. I need to make one for my 60 cube and don't want to reinvent the wheel. yous came out great! tanks lookin good!

The frame I got at Lowes. Just a 48" x 48" window screen kit and I used a miter box to cut the rails down to size. The 1/4" clear screen I purchased from BRS. Lowes only carried black and metal. The pieces I used to "float" the screen are 3/4" acrylic square rod cut with a miter box and purchased from (plastic might be plural). They are super glued to the rail.
Orange Spot Blenny

Orange Spot Blenny

I've wanted one of these guys for a long time and finally found one today at Creative Aquariums. I was worried the OSB wouldn't get along with my lawn mower blenny but they're grazing right next to each other with no issues, you can see the LMB peeking around the LR. Been in the tank for about 4 hours now. So far so good.
