Macro ID please


Premium Member
I have put some of this in my fuge, I was told it was gracilaria, but after spending the last 2 or 3 hours trying to find it on here and just about every search I can find, I have not been able to figure out what it is, any help would be appreciated.

It is a loose type that does not have to be rooted or attatched, it is a nice red color and kind of like a brillo pad. So what is it and should it be in my fuge? Thanks for your help.
Hey mandktod,

Can you post some more pictures? It looks like it could be gracilaria, a common red algae.

Here is another one but I am not sure it is much better, it is very hard to get good pictures since it is in my HOB fuge
I'm no expert but it does look like Gracilaria tikvahiae. Good food for tangs - what Indo-Pacific Sea Farms ( sells as their "Tang Heaven Red" product. I can attest that yellows and blues will eat this until they are stuffed.