Made the switch to BIO-PELLETS


OK everyone i made the switch to the bio-pellets i wanna see how it does on my system.. i am turning my tank into a mostly SPS tank and wanna see if this method works so i will be posting pics and logging my results on here to share with everyone.

P04- .12

thats all i tested this moment lets see what happens...

a little about my system is it is a 120gal AGA tank 30gal sump have 160lbs of live rock, 160lbs live sand, a bermuda protein skimmer, all in one ice cap light which is (2)250w MH 14,000k, (2)54w T5, LED moon light, also running carbon in a two little fishes reactor, also have 2 MP40 vortechs for flow, and also a mag 9 for a return pump which i have my NEW bio pellet reactor coming off of a manifold and outlet right in front of the protein skimmer inlet...

Started with 200ml of vertex bio pellets yesterday afternoon and so far no cloudy tank or anything at all so i guess i just sit back and wait my tank is rated to have 800ml but iam gonna add slowly made 100ml a week or 200ml every 2 weeks havent made up my mind yet... ill keep everyone updated...


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my phosphate went down to .05 from .12 but now went up to .29 but i will admit i was not changing the filter socks when they were over flowing i was still only doing once a week so now i took them OUT and did it 2 days ago now po4 is down to .20 maybe it did have something to do with it maybe it didnt will test again tomorrow... i am up to 800ml i added 200ml every week and iam gonna stay at 800ml... i did not get any bloom or anything like that or cyano so lets see what happens next
yea i like the reactor only thing looks like more flow on one side of reactor then the rest... ill try and post a video
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heres the vid!

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