Major tank crash


New member
Wow! Talk about adding insult to injury. Last week I lost power for a day. Theres a distribution panel at the park where I live. My unit and one other were the only two with out, so I was able to figure out right away that it wasn't the electric companies problem. Any how the manager/owner of the park came out to investigate, tore apart my meter only to figure that the problem was at the distribution panel where I said it was in the first place. He then found the tripped braker and closed it. As we listened to it sizzle and fry, I knew right then that it needed to be replaced. But it did manage to close and restore power. Great! Two days later however he decides to replace the breaker...that's good too. My neighbor contacted me and told me that the power was off and several hours called me again and told me that the power was back on. No worries right?

Wrong! I'm up in San Francisco because my mom has passed away and we were scattering her ashes last weekend. I think everything is alright because the power is back on, only problem is when the power came back on it tripped the GFI breaker and my tank was without power fot three days.
I was just admiring my tank before I left only to return to find everything dead. The smell was bad enough, but the sight of my tank almost made me puke.

Moral of the story, have some one check your tank and make sure that the power is on and all the equipment is running.