Mangrove care?

Ohh, might've been a bad idea to put in substrate that I'll have to pull it out from later. I'll try to pull it out (hopefully though probably not, the roots haven't sprouted yet and the seed will be less stressed and easier to move).

You can fill a Tupperware with sand and put it inside that. That way you can easily pick it up and pour off the sand when you want to relocate the plant.

It will still have sand around the roots but at least you wont damage the roots while trying to uproot it. Plus you are going to put it back into sand anyways
That’s pretty much what I’ve done already, except with the plant substrate. But I’ll replace the plant substrate with white sand and place the mangrove back into the container
I'm very pleased that the roots have started to appear, no sign of the hair roots, so maybe the plant wasn't stressed (unless the regular roots are equally as sensitive to uprooting, as the hair roots)? No sign of leaves yet, but I'm sure they'll appear soon.
I decided against starting a new thread and just to reuse this old one.

I'm not sure if my mangroves are doing okay.

It might be hard to see but this bark of this mangrove is turning brown and cracking.
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A little uneasy about this mangrove too.

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