New member
I dont consider that out running the pump just because you have air going down your drain, most systems perform like that out of the box anyways. If your running a herbie style return and dont want air coming in then i guess. But if your running a standard stand pipe or durso you wouldnt be "outrunning" the pump, sucking in air just goes with the territory in regards to that.
John you may want to rethink the answer to both of your responses as your second one clearly shows you may not have a true understanding of what is mechanically happening with your engineering which then doesn't affirm your first statement too well. Just saying that air going down a drain should preform like this out of the box and it just comes with the territory is just poor planing on the applicants part. You were at my house where the sound of the drains which are flowing over 7000gph is dead silent and without the need for any special muffler sound or any other kind of pipe overflow systems except pure understanding of what is happening. The air being sucked down the drain is the product of the drain pipes out producing the incoming water production. Now yes this is what one would want as you can then run any desired amounts of flow into the system within the limits of said setup, but this end result is desired without the sound being produced of the sucking air. And that is easily attainable by taking the air out and matching the incoming production to the exportation. When you do this you have a perfect harmony of silence with 100% full use of your incoming pumps. Never dial pumps back to match drains thats just inefficient plumbing and use of available resources.....
I dont consider that out running the pump just because you have air going down your drain
Think of it like this there are only two things that can happen with a box that has a drain pipe in it and a pump putting water into the box.
1. The pump will put more water in the box than it can hold at any one time. (pump out producing the drains)
2. The drain pipe will export more water than the pump can produce to fill the box. (drain out producing the pump)
Easily deductible by the outcome in the situation being discussed ...air being sucked into the pipe (2)......water overflowing the box (1)
Consider it or call it what you want but this is what is happening.
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