Marc`s DIY 900g Inwall System

So how has this awesome tank of yours done over the past 2 months?

I have a 8 foot long tank with one wave box. My wave is very tiny and the powerhead doesn't "buck" like I have seen most do. Furthermore I bought it used, so.........

Did you have one wave box installed before going with the addition or did you get both of them at the same time?


Oh ya

What else can anyone say ... its a great looking tank!!!:lol:
Just incredible! I was thinking of this thread the other night, but couldn't find it for the life of me. Great job! This is definitely one I'm going to have to burn to disk for my next little project:lol2:
Hi again all,

I finally had a chance to make some improvements. :D

Ill start with the flow, i had 2 4 way OM`s on sequence pumps for closed loops originally, but after some more thought i realized tunzes would be better for this system (probably,in the first place :rolleyes: )
So i tore out both loops and added 4 tunzes, using a couple wavy seas i attached 2 of the tunzes to them, with the remaining 2 are stationary.

Heres a couple pics of how the tunze bracket was modded, all in all a very easy attachment, nothing is glued.
The tunzes are being pivoted at close to the center point.
It avoids sticking out too much, this also let me use a smaller attachment than what it would be otherwise hanging it to one side.
A 1" sf cap and coupler are all that was needed.
I tapped the cap with a single 1/4 hole, flipped the bolt upside down inside the bracket and slid it in like this.


Then i just screwed the cap on,

Then I slid the coupler onto the wavy sea and it was done,

I tied up all the piles of cords, and mounted the transformers to a length of ready rod, and hung them out of the way. (left top corner)


Next job was the lighting, the VHO`s had to go.
I tore out the 440 watts of VHO out of the canopy and replaced them with 3x 250w double enders, with 14k bulbs.
I was thankful then that i could slide the canopy out to do this.

Holes in the first layer of the canopy were cut out so i could benifit from the exhaust, aswell as install them more of an angle to face the front of the reef.

I am much more pleased with the overall color and intensity now, and probably use less electricity overall than before.

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Another big load off the shoulders was finishing the sills aswell as the room the tank was in.

This was a big concern for me, as i hadnt seen this before and was a little worried about the over all view.
While it does make for difficult pictures because of the depth of the sill... it came out the way i had envisioned, a fairly clean look.




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A couple closer ups,






One day, i hope to have the time to put fish in my fish tank. :D

Chris, sorry i was so slow with these ones. :rolleyes:
(multi beckett housing)



I have some more, but have to dig a little more to find them.

Servo, no, though i did order 2 at once, i had to use only one for a week.
I found on my tank there was no comparison.
I think i could say one didnt work good at all on mine, but using 2 was instantly 4x better, if that makes any sense...the resonance was there when 2 where helping each other out.

Thanks all, Marc.

amazing. the front of the tank is really cool, im diggin the oval wall around the tank.

excellent job, keep up the good work!

Intriguing modification of your wavy sea with the Tunze! Your tank is really incredible. With all of that calcification going on, your going to have to clean your pumps and plumbing every three months!!!!:eek1:
Things are really turning out well here! Good job, I get lost looking into these pics!